Ottawa November 21, 2017
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seems willing to pay out taxpayers’ money on demand.
Whether it is $10.5 million to Omar Khadr (according to an Angus Reid poll 71% of Canadians objected to this payment) or, the $31.25 million paid to the three Syrians tortured in Syria for “the role any Canadian Officials may have played in regard to their treatment abroad”.
Now, Trudeau has announced that he is committed to paying taxpayers’ money to homosexual public servants and members of the military who lost their jobs in the past. This compensation was based on a $600 million class action lawsuit against the Liberal government by Toronto based homosexual activist lawyer, Doug Elliott.
This compensation was also recommended by the homosexual lobby group EGALE, in its June 2016 report entitled “The Just Society”. Not only is Trudeau going to make the financial payout to these individuals but he also plans to apologize “on behalf of all Canadians” for perceived “persecution and injustices” allegedly suffered by them.
Who is next to be compensated? Will all those homosexuals who were not permitted to marry prior to 2005 want to be compensated? Will all those women denied abortion prior to 1969 when it was prohibited by the Criminal Code also receive compensation?
Trudeau is either unwilling or unable to distinguish between genuine discrimination, which has occurred in the past, and the treatment of homosexuals in the government. For example,
• Canada forced Chinese immigrants to pay a head tax to enter Canada,
and refused to allow them to bring their families to Canada;
• In 1914 Canada refused to allow passengers from India to land in Canada;
• In 1939 Canada turned away 900 German Jews seeking sanctuary; and
• In 1942 the Canadian government ordered evacuation of all persons of Japanese origin
to internment camps and seized their property.
The situation with regard to the homosexuals is different. Homosexuality was prohibited under the Criminal Code until Pierre Elliott Trudeau decriminalized it in 1969 for consenting adults over 21 years of age, (later reduced to 18 years of age). The practice of homosexuality, therefore, was a crime. This prohibition was in accordance with the social and cultural values of the time. In short, the Criminal Code prohibition against homosexuality was based on a consensus of the Canadian public.
The reason for the dismissal of homosexuals in the military and public servants was because they could be the subject of blackmail if their sexual orientation was publicly disclosed. This blackmail could result in not only forcing homosexuals to pay money in return for silence, but also could include requiring them to divulge national security secrets to which they were privy because of their employment. It was this national security risk that led to their dismissal.
One may not agree with the past law prohibiting homosexuality, but such action by the government was distinguishable from the genuine discrimination experienced by others.
Homosexuals were at all times accepted as citizens with all their inherent rights and privileges and were capable of being employed elsewhere, other than in the government.
Trudeau’s payout and apology to homosexuals is unreasonable and unjustified.
ACTION: Please contact Prime Minister Trudeau and your MP regarding your views on this payout and apology to homosexuals.
CLICK HERE for your MP’s constituency office phone number and email address.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-995-0253
Fax: 613-947-0310
Related Articles:
Homosexual Activists Pressure the Government for Further Advantages
November 15, 2016