In January 2022, Nanos Research found that the Conservative and Liberal parties had ballot support of 28.5% and 28.2% respectively. Mainstreet Research also found almost identical results in their poll.

After the encampment of truckers in the Freedom Convoy on Wellington Street in front of Parliament Hill, and the invocation of the Emergencies Act on February 14, another poll, by Mainstreet Research, was taken. With data from February 16-17, researchers found that when asked for whom they would vote if an election was held that day, 39% chose the Conservatives and 31% chose the Liberals.

On the day that Prime Minister Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, February 14, Maru Public Opinion Polls released a study based on data collected between February 9-10. Their findings are extremely troubling for Prime Minister Trudeau.

Close to half, 48%, of Canadians think the Prime Minister “has demonstrated that he is not up to the job of being prime minister”, according to data.

63% of Canadians did not think “the Prime Minister has made them want to vote for him because of how he has dealt with the situation.”

65% of Canadians did not think Trudeau “looked strong in acting to stop the protests.”

Only 29% of respondents thought he acted like a prime minister should in face of the Freedom Convoy trucker’s protest.

Nationally, 31% “blame Trudeau the most for the incitement and escalation of the protests”, with a high of 44% in Alberta. Only 7% blamed the leaders of the Conservative Party the most.

Later, Maru polled Canadians in an online survey on February 16-17, and found that 54% of Canadians said they were “ashamed” of how politicians allowed the protests to “get out of hand.” According to 71% of respondents, the events were an “international embarrassment” for Canada.