A monument to celebrate queers (their word), i.e. homosexuals, was commenced on May 1, 2024, when Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge dug the first ceremonial shovel on the site. This $8 million monument called “Thunderhead”, is to be erected behind the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa. The purpose of the monument is to honour “victims” of the so-called “purge” of “queer” people who were marginalized for their “lifestyle and sexuality”.

This is a complete revision of Canadian history. Homosexuals employed in sensitive positions were dismissed from the military and public services in the 1940 – 1970 period because they were vulnerable to blackmail. The fact that they were homosexual was not the issue; rather, the issue was that they had access to official secrets and other sensitive information for which they could be blackmailed, leading to threats to national security. Justin Trudeau’s father Pierre, when Prime Minister, supported this policy.

This homosexual monument is being erected as the result of a class action suit against the federal government, brought by a homosexual committee calling itself “the Purge Committee”, to address the loss of careers of some individuals employed in the military and public service. In the legal settlement of $15 million, the Purge Committee was to use the funds to build a “National Monument” as well as for other projects like museum exhibits and archival research.

The Forgotten Monument for Victims of Communism

Previously, a monument to victims of communism was to have been erected by the Harper government on property near the Supreme Court of Canada to recognize the hundred million people murdered under such regimes. This monument was approved by Parliament in 2009. However, Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin objected to the monument’s location near the Supreme Court, arguing that the Court upholds the rule of law and justice and that the monument represented the opposite. This is highly debatable. The monument was to recognize victims of injustice which should be a main concern for the Supreme Court. Further, the location of the monument, was a decision for the government to make, not one for an appointed judge to make. In short, the location of the monument was none of McLachlin’s business. However, her disapproval of the location delayed work on the monument. When Justin Trudeau was elected to power in 2015, one of his first decisions was to move the monument of the victims of communism to an obscure site. The Liberal government also insisted on a new design for the monument, which further delayed its erection. The monument has still not been completed. It seems significant that both Justin Trudeau and his father, Pierre, are/were supporters of communist leaders, including Castro and Mao Zedong. Perhaps personal ideologies explain the delay in the victims of communism monument, while the homosexual monument moves ahead remarkably quickly.