Planned Parenthood in the US has established 79% of its surgical abortion facilities within walking distance of black neighbourhoods. The African-American population of the US is about 13%, but about 30% of the abortions performed in that country are on black women.  As a result, the number of abortion deaths in the black community now exceeds those caused by the thirteen other leading causes of death combined, such as cancer, strokes, heart attacks, etc.  In fact, more black lives have been lost by abortion, 5,800 times more, than the deaths caused to blacks by the Klu Klux Klan.  That is, 3,446 blacks were lynched by the Klu Klux Klan between 1882 and 1968, compared to over 20 million black lives lost by abortion since 1968.

As a result of abortion, blacks have now fallen behind Hispanics as the largest minority group in the US.

Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a racist and eugenicist who wanted to rid the world of “defective and feeble-minded minorities” and other so-called “breeders”. To do so, she targeted, among others, African-Americans.  She founded the “black project” to encourage blacks to use birth control or become sterilized, and wrote that citizens should be required to obtain a “birth permit” from the government before giving birth.  She wrote in 1939; “we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population”, which she referred to as “human weeds”.

The organization BlackLivesMatter (BLM) is fixated on police violence involving African-Americans. They should, instead, be protesting Planned Parenthood and abortion which is ending so many black lives. There is considerable hypocrisy in the leftist progressive organizations, such as BLM, with this disproportionate slaughter of black unborn lives carried out in pursuit of so-called “reproductive justice”.  Why is BLM blind to the enormous number of black deaths caused by abortion?

Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometia and Alicia Garza (BLM) from

Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometia and Alicia Garza (BLM) from


REALity  Volume XXXV Issue No. 10  October 2016