Ottawa, Ontario                                                                                                                              May 29, 2024 


 Governor General (GG) Mary Simon is a Political Activist

The Governor General’s Act provides the amount of payments to be made to the GG. Currently, GG Mary Simon receives an annual salary of $362,800. Her salary has been increased three times since her appointment by Trudeau in 2021 as the first Inuvik GG. Her pension after her 5 year appointment, is $150,000 a year and she is also provided after retirement with an additional $200,000 annually for which she’s not required to be accountable. Its purpose is to cover any continued cost related to being GG that may arise after retirement. This latter benefit is in addition to other benefits under the Act such as a $30,000 clothing allowance. The purpose of these generous payments is to ensure the dignity of and maintain respect for the role of GG who represents the Sovereign in Canada. The presence of the GG is also to serve as a reminder to Canadians that Canada is a constitutional monarchy with all that entails historically. Further, the GG is to serve as a symbol of unity embedded in the Crown and, like the Sovereign, must remain above politics, at all times.

Simons Addicted to Politics

It has been well documented that GG Simon is addicted to luxury and an extravagant lifestyle.

It also seems that Simon is addicted to politics and is using her appointment as GG as a platform to pursue her personal political interests. For example, on a private return visit to her birth place in Northern Quebec in May 2022, which involved no official functions, the cost to the taxpayer nonetheless was over $90,000. During this visit to her hometown, Simon met with Quebec Premier, Francois Legault to discuss the relationship between the Inuit and the Quebec government, a discussion related to her previous position as president of the Makivik Corporation, a corporation that exists as the “legal representative of Quebec’s Inuits”. Simon discussed with Premier Legault (confirmed by the CBC, and also by Simon herself), that he had made a commitment to her to appoint a negotiator for an Inuit–Quebec agreement. Simon also took the time during this visit to be interviewed by the Nunatsiaq News to discuss self-government for the Inuvik population. During this interview, Simon said that she “hopes she can visit every Nunavik community, and see as much of Nunavut as possible”.

In February 2022, GG Simon spoke in Finland on the contentious political issue of climate change. In her speech, Simon asserted that climate change was harmful and warned about the dangers of carbon emissions (Trudeau’s favourite theme). She also warned that temperatures are warming in the north, leading to fatalities and other accidents.

On the weekend of April 6, 2024, Ms. Simon held a symposium at Rideau Hall to discuss “hate” on the internet. This matter is also one of Trudeau’s special interests as indicated by his Online Hate (Bill C-63) legislation. The invited guests at the symposium included Liberal MPs, left-wing activists, and government bureaucrats. Justice Minister Arif Virani was another guest who undoubtedly was pleased to use Rideau Hall as a platform to discuss his bill. Two high profile left-wing Public Health Officers, Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer for the federal government, and Bonnie Henry, Chief Public Health officer for the BC NDP government, were also in attendance. One of the panels at this symposium was entitled, “Emerging Solutions for a Safer Digital World”. This sounds very much like a political policy discussion.

Simon Failing in her Responsibilities

Ms. Simon is not carrying out her duties and responsibilities in her role as GG. Instead she is making her own rules for the position to suit herself, and as a platform for the Trudeau government’s policies. Since she began residing at Rideau Hall, Simon’s behaviour has become that of an individual stomping on our constitution, protocol, and royal duties and responsibilities.

The Governor General’s Act provides that the cabinet may make any regulations on any matter in regard to the Governor General and as necessary in regard to her benefits. Also, the Act, like any other Act of Parliament, can be readily amended by Parliament at any time.

Mary Simon is not serving the Canadian public as GG, but is doing a good job serving herself, and the government, while using all the trappings of the GG. It’s time for amendments to the Governor General’s Act, as Simon’s appointment is a waste of money.




For further information contact:

Pauline Guzik

National President

REAL Women of Canada


Cathy Smith

Western Canada Board Member

REAL Women of Canada


