Ottawa, Ontario                                                               June 13, 2024

Protecting Jewish Families

Antisemitism is growing at an alarming rate in Canada. On May 6, 2024, Richard Robertson, the Director of Research and Advocacy for B’nai Brith Canada, a Jewish organization dedicated to eradicating racism, antisemitism, and hatred, issued a report advising that antisemitism has reached a stage of national crisis due to the increased number of incidents targeting Jewish individuals. It has doubled in 2023, to 5,800 reported incidents from 2,800 incidents in 2022. These include violence, threats, harassment, and vandalism.

Evidence indicates that the wave of recent pro-Palestinian protests and encampments at the universities are organized and paid for by pro-Hamas organizations, whose members of these encampments outnumber actual students who are serving as useful idiots for them. Some students likely cannot even identify Gaza on a map. During these many protests, the police have failed to enforce the law and stop these violations. Most politicians have also failed to speak out against antisemitism and failed to protect Canadians of the Jewish faith. The failure to enforce the rights of Jewish people in Canada to be free from intimidation and harassment has led to the normalization of antisemitism.

Failure of the Authorities

Since the authorities have failed in their responsibilities to Jewish Canadians, it is necessary that individual Canadians assume a direct role in stopping these extremists. It is the right thing to do. Our fellow Jewish Canadians must have their rights respected and enforced equally with all others.

Canadians are Historically Respectful of Authority

Canadians are usually respectful and polite. It is not our way to cause disruptions and havoc in society. Instead, we are more inclined to remain silent in our disapproval. Canadians also usually maintain a deferential attitude towards authorities, believing that they are knowledgeable, and can be trusted to act for the benefit of all Canadians.

Unfortunately, this trust in recent years has been shattered because many politicians fail to assert their moral authority and leadership on many issues including antisemitism. Instead, they defer to special interest groups in order to obtain their political support.

Because of the failure of the authorities, including the police, to enforce the law, something must be done.

At REAL Women’s Annual General Meeting held on May 25, 2024, a resolution was passed entitled, “Protecting Jewish Families” (click here), in which individual members of REAL Women are requested to take the initiative on this matter. It is a formidable task. If others are not willing to take the initiative, however, members of REAL Women will do so.

REAL Women requests that its membership directly contact the following.

  1. Chiefs of Police and Mayors in the individual cities where these demonstrations are taking place (Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, London, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and Victoria), to strongly object to this failure to enforce the law. Email addresses to the Chief of Police are not available. This can only be contacted by ordinary mail. Their mailing addresses are provided:



Mayor of Montreal – Valérie Plante

Chief of Police – Fady Dagher


1441, rue Saint-Urbain

Montréal, QB H2X 2M6



Mayor of Ottawa – Mark Sutcliffe

Chief of Police – Eric Stubbs

Ottawa Police Service

P.O. Box 9634 Station T,

Ottawa, ON K1G 6H5



Mayor of Toronto – Olivia Chow

Chief of Police – Myron Demkiw

Office of the Chief of Police

40 College St.

Toronto, ON M5G 2J3



Mayor of London – Josh Morgan

Chief of Police – Thai Truong

London Police Service

601 Dundas Street

London ON N6B 1X1




Mayor of Calgary – Jyoti Gondek

Chief of Police – Mark Neufeld

Calgary Police Service

5111 47 St. N.E.

Calgary, Alberta  T3J 3R2



Mayor of Edmonton – Amarjeet Sohi

Chief of Police – Dale McFee

Police Headquarters

9620 – 103A Avenue

Edmonton, Alberta  T5H 0H7



Mayor of Vancouver – Ken Sim

Chief of Police – Adam Palmer

Vancouver Police Department

3585 Graveley St.

Vancouver, B.C.  V5K 5J5



Mayor of Victoria – Marianne Alto

Chief of Police – Del Manak

Victoria Police Department

850 Caledonia Avenue

Victoria, B.C. V8T 5J8


  1. Contact the leaders of the Canadian political parties: Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Bloc Quebecois, to demand leadership in denouncing antisemitism and taking necessary steps, including deportation, to ensure public safety by co-ordinating with local authorities to see that the public peace is not disturbed. To find their contact information click here
  2. Contact the provincial premiers to request provincial legislation against antisemitism in their jurisdiction. To find your provincial premier click the link here
  3. Contact your Member of Parliament and the members of your provincial legislature to demand action to stop antisemitism. To find your member of Parliament click the link here

To find your provincial members of Legislative Assembly click the corresponding link below

British Columbia –

Alberta –

Manitoba –

Ontario –

Quebec –

Newfoundland and Labrador –

Nova Scotia –

New Brunswick –

Prince Edward Island –

Nunavut –

Northwest Territories –

Yukon –

If you are without access to a computer, please contact REAL Women at (613) 236-4001, leave your phone number and we will contact you to provide the information required to reach the above authorities in your area.

Yours for the family,

Real Women of Canada