Ottawa, Ontario                                                               June 10, 2024

 International Students Causing Political Unrest in Canada

It is the practice of Canadian universities to enroll foreign students to study here.  This is of benefit to the universities for financial reasons, and also a benefit for the students to later enable them to better assist in the development of their home countries.  Such students are issued student visas (Study Permits) to study in Canada temporarily.  Study Permits come with terms and conditions, including obeying the law and staying in school—studying!

Unfortunately, in recent months, some of these students, although only guests in this country, have become engaged in political activity, and in doing so are breaking the law, no longer in class studying, and thus violating the terms of their Study Permits!   Their demands include that Canada, and the educational institutions which they attend, acknowledge and accept their cultural political “norms”, such as hatred of Jews, the genocide of Jews living in Israel, and the delegitimization, isolation, and destruction of the Jewish state.

A student visa does not extend any rights to foreign students to participate in political unrest in Canada, let alone break the law in doing so.  Nonetheless, these students are engaging in unlawful activity at a number of levels: participating in antisemitic protests on the streets, intimidating Jewish establishments and communities, and participating in the closing of classrooms and buildings at their universities, thus denying other students the ability to pursue the education for which they have paid tuition.  Further, these foreign students have trespassed on university campuses by erecting antisemitic encampments, and harassed, threatened and intimidated Canadian students of Jewish faith who have a right to attend these universities in a safe environment.

Foreign students who abuse their student visas by provoking political unrest in Canada, and violate Canada’s Criminal Code by provoking hate, engaging in the harassment and intimidation of Canadians no matter what their faith affiliation may be, and calling for genocide against Israel, should be suspended from the universities, their student visas revoked, and then deported.  Canada does not need their intimidating and lawless provocations, their expression of views that are antithetical to Canadian values, and their threat to the safety of many of our fellow citizens. 

Further, such students should not, under any circumstances, be granted permanent resident status in Canada, which is the usual backdoor entry to Canada made by foreign students after graduation.

Canada can no longer tolerate student guests in our country who are not endeavouring to adopt, or at least respect, Canada’s civic values of respect for law and peaceful assembly.  This is an important teaching opportunity to show foreign students and their enablers a lesson about the consequences of bringing their sectarian hatred and violence to Canada.


Action Required

  1. Please write the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marc Miller, demanding that the government enforce the terms and conditions of student visas and that the Study Permits of any foreign students involved in these demonstrations be revoked. Miller can be reached at:

Marc Miller

House of Commons

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

(No postage required)



  1. Please write to the Presidents of these eleven Canadian universities where the political agitation is occurring and demand that they suspend such students and enforce their own university’s policies with respect to peaceful demonstrations and campus safety. The presidents and the universities are as follows:

University of British Columbia


Benoit-Antoine Bacon

President and Vice-Chancellor

7th Floor, Walter C. Koerner Library

1958 Main Mall

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2



University of Montreal


Daniel Jutras

Rector of Université de Montréal

C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville

Montréal, QC H3C 3J7



McGill University

Deep Saini, Ph.D.

Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor

James Admin. Bldg., Room 506

845 Sherbrooke Street West

Montreal, QC H3A 0G4



Concordia University

Graham Carr

President & Vice-Chancellor

1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Montreal, QC H3G 1M8


Ottawa University


Jacques Frémont

President and Vice-Chancellor

University of Ottawa

Tabaret Hall

550 Cumberland, Room 212

Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5



University of Toronto


Meric Gertler

Office of the President

University of Toronto

27 King’s College Circle

Toronto, ON M5S 1A1



McMaster University


David Farrar,

President and Vice-Chancellor

McMaster University

Gilmour Hall, Room 238,

1280 Main Street West,

Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8



University of Victoria


Kevin Hall, PhD

President & Vice-Chancellor

Office of the President

University of Victoria

3800 Finnerty Road

Victoria BC  V8P 5C2



Vancouver Island University


Deborah Saucier, Ph. D.

President & Vice-Chancellor

Vancouver Island University

900 Fifth Street

Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5


University of Western Ontario


Alan Shepard, PH.D.

President & Vice-Chancellor

Office of the President

Stevenson Hall, Suite 2107

London, ON N6A 5B8