Salt Lake City, Utah
For immediate release October 29 2015

Canada is in trouble. Social instability caused by severe substance abuse, family breakup, crime and mental illness are creating problems to an unprecedented degree.

What has gone wrong is that the family, which has always been the foundation of society, has stumbled.

It is costing Canadians a minimum of $7 billion annually to cope with the collateral damage.

REAL Women of Canada has known this and today the scientific and academic evidence to support the value of the family is being discussed at the World Congress of Families IX  held in Salt Lake City October 27 to 30th.

It is providing indisputable evidence that the family of a father, a mother and children is the key to a stable society and economic prosperity.

As Richard and Linda Eyre, speakers at the Congress and authors of “The Turning”, explain: our society was built on the values that everyone has a goal to marry; marriage is a lifetime commitment; married couples desire children and family is priority.

That these values have changed is not disputed.  Many future children will be left without the protection, nurturing and modelling of responsibility of their parents.  Our older people will have no one to care for them as they age.  Our work force will be depleted of skilled workers and service providers.

We had better take a long look at this, and try to fix it now. We must stop the casualties.

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