REALity July, 2018                                                                                                                  Ottawa, ON

One of the reasons Justin Trudeau was elected Prime Minister was that he claimed he was deeply concerned about the financial problems of the “middle class”. It is obvious from his spending habits that he has no understanding whatsoever of their lives. Instead, as a man with inherited wealth, he just goes on madly spending taxpayers’ money, unconcerned about its effect on the middle class taxpayer and all others.

The Fiasco Vacation in India

New documents released in June, 2018, indicate that Trudeau’s self-indulgent vacation in India cost the taxpayers a minimum of $1.5 million. These costs include – $323,000 for hotel stays, $485,070 to fly and staff the VIP Airbus for 43.7 hours over the nine-day trip, $5,235 for cellphone fees, $5,100 for Canadian wines for use at official events. Trudeau also paid $7,000.00 for his and his family’s costumes. Among his other expenses, Trudeau was apparently unable to find among India’s 1.4 billion citizens, a proper cook for his meals while in India. Instead, he brought an Indo-Canadian Celebrity Chef, Vikram Vij, from Vancouver to New Delhi at a cost of $17,000 in order to prepare a meal at the Canadian Embassy and also for other occasions.
Additionally, taxpayers paid $3,500 to buy and then leave behind in India, 21 Team Canada women’s hockey jerseys, used in a ball hockey game between Trudeau’s entourage and India’s National Women’s Ice Hockey Team. Great fun, no doubt.

Canadians complained in 2012 when MP Beverly Oda, Conservative Minister of International Co-operation paid $16 for a glass of orange juice while attending an international conference in London, England. She was drummed out of Stephen Harper’s cabinet, and resigned her seat because of this wild extravagance.

Have Canadians become so numbed by Trudeau’s unrestrained extravagant ways that they no longer even notice them?