REALity – Volume XXXIV Issue No. 12 December 2015

It was bound to happen.  The homosexual umbrella organization, known collectively as the LGBT, (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transsexuals) are not happy with the inclusion of the transgendered in their group, and want them pushed out of their club.

A petition has been doing the rounds to expel the transgendered from their ranks because, as one homosexual writer stated: the transgendered are not doing much good, arguing that “trans” isn’t a mental illness while acting bonkers all the time!  There is no doubt that transsexuals can seem unhinged.  REAL Women knows that they are control freaks who accept no dissenting opinion.  When REAL Women objected to the transgendered bill in the last Parliament, co-incidentally our website was hacked four times. 

The conflict between homosexuals/lesbians and the transgendered was inevitable because the arguments that the transgendered and homosexual/lesbian put forward for acceptance and recognition are contradictory.  The premise of the gay rights movement is that homosexuality is innate and unchangeable, that people are born that way, and sexual orientation is, therefore, immutable and can’t be altered.  The transgendered crowd, on the other hand, has the exact opposite message.  Their platform is that sexual orientation is so fluid that it can be switched completely, depending on what that individual believes that his/her gender is, regardless of the gender at birth. 

Feminists and lesbians have also joined in this controversy with mixed viewpoints.  Lesbians don’t think female transsexuals (male to female) are truly women, but are a parody of women and lesbians refuse to have sex with them.  They believe that transgendered males (male to female) are trying to force themselves on them when they are, in fact, female impersonators.  The transgendered, in turn, view lesbians as being downright discriminatory towards them, just because some of them still retain their male genitals. (Fancy that!)

Some feminists regard transgendered males (male to female) as intruding into their “space” whether in bars, record companies, spas, festivals and book stores: the ultimate male power tripping.  There are other feminists, however, who think that the transgendered are the genuine article, and are “totally female”.  They, therefore, have been highly incensed by Australian feminist and writer, Germaine Greer, who in 1970 wrote the book, The Female Eunuch, one of the foundational books for feminism, for her rejection of the transgendered.  Ms. Greer has stated publicly that transsexuals are delusional.  For this, she has been blacklisted at a number of British university campuses.  Ms. Greer, in response to her sister feminists’ support of the transgendered, stated: “simply because a man gets his genitals removed, and wears a dress doesn’t make him a woman.  I’ve asked my doctor to give me long ears and liver spots and I’m going to wear a brown coat, but that won’t turn me into a … cocker spaniel!”

It is a delicious bit of irony that at the same time Ms. Greer has been viciously attacked by her sister feminists for her views on the transgendered, Rachel Dolezal, the former head of the Spokane, Washington, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, (NAACP) admitted that, while she was “born white”, she “identifies as black” and, therefore, is black.

When the story about Dolezal broke, some people drew the obvious parallel to Bruce Jenner’s delusion that he was female.  Both Jenner and Dolezal have a self-identity that does not square with their DNA.  Oh well.

If one is willing to accept the absurdity and pretence that a gender can be changed at will, then one is bound to believe in the existence of the tooth fairy as well, since the two propositions are on the same level of rationality.