The B.C. NDP government and its supporting ideologues from the euthanasia group, Dying with Dignity Canada, demanded that the Delta Hospice Society provide beds for euthanasia patients.  The Hospice refused to do so.

Consequently, on March 29, 2021, the B.C. government evicted the hospice from two buildings which it had erected with private donations.  The hospice was built on government land held under a 35-year tenancy lease that the Government unilaterally cancelled.

This occurred after a year-long battle during which the government vindictively tried to force the hospice to bend to its wishes.

The B.C government has now reopened the hospice on April 15, 2021, taking complete control over it, and is providing euthanasia to vulnerable patients on the premises.

The Delta Hospice Society has refused to be destroyed by this offensive behaviour, and has courageously decided to continue its fight to provide palliative care in accordance with its principles of protecting the dignity of human life until its natural end.   The hospice still has other assets (a thrift store on a property that the society owns) and health programs that it can continue to deliver.

The hospice plans to build another hospice – one built completely independent from the government. It understands the great need to protect people from the twisted arms of those promoting physician-assisted suicide which has been deceptively renamed as “Medical Assistance in Dying” (MAID).

It hopes that people from all over the country and across the world can come to its hospice – no Health Authority territories or artificial boundaries.  They want to build a place where anyone who wants a safe and peaceful place to live out their remaining days will be welcome.

Unfortunately, the Euthanasia Death group is still stalking the hospice and realizes that if the hospice is able to have an electronic Annual General Meeting of its members, they will not be able to stop its continuance. Thus, the Euthanasia Death group went to the B.C. Supreme Court in June and demanded that the hospice hold an in-person meeting so that its members across the country and the world could not vote! However, on July 13th, Justice Fitzpatrick of the Supreme Court of B.C., ruled and has permitted an electronic Special General Meeting (SGM) to ask their members if they want a virtual/electronic AGM.  The hospice considers this a huge victory!  This SGM will be in September 2021, but the exact date has not been decided.  The AGM is one year overdue, postponed due to COVID and various court challenges.

At this moment, the hospice needs: 1) people to become new members, or 2) people to renew their memberships at the Delta Hospice Society.

Your encouragement and support in this way will give them the mandate to pursue their collective dream of Hospice Sanctuary.

There is a great need in Canada to fight for life until its natural end by way of palliative care.  Unfortunately, although the Liberal government has legalized euthanasia as a “right”, it has failed to provide palliative care as a “right”, so that the latter is severely underfunded and severely marginalized by pro-death activists.

It is therefore necessary that we stand with the Delta Hospice Society and support its dedication to the vulnerable.  In view of the determination of the pro-death elements in our society, we are desperately in need of an international movement for Hospice Sanctuary – safe places for the dying free from euthanasia!  Please become a member of the Delta Hospice Society by August 3, 2021.

Link to Delta Hospice Membership Form

REAL Women encourages our members and friends to purchase or renew their memberships in the Delta Hospice Society.  Membership fee is only $10.00. There are no restrictions as to who can be a member.  Anyone, anywhere in the world can be a member.   All new members must apply by August 3, 2021 to be included in the virtual SGM.

REAL Women of Canada for the Family