During the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians were fraudulently led to believe that scientific research findings required lockdowns, masks, distancing, the closing of restaurants, schools and churches, and the need to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This fraud was exposed in a book entitled “Fisman’s Fraud, The Rise of Canadian Hate Science” by Dr. Regina Watteel, a mathematician and statistician.

The Story Behind the Scientific Fraud

On April 29, 2022, an article, written by David Fisman and two associates, Afia Amoako and Ashleigh Tuite, was published in the highly respected Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ). Fisman is a university professor at the University of Toronto and a consultant at the affliiated University Health Network. He hoped to stigmatize vaccine sceptics, speculated that those who questioned the official pro-vaccine COVID pandemic narrative were not on the side of science.

Within the first week of the publication of the article, at least 22 scientists and researchers, contesting Fisman’s thesis, submitted written concerns to the CMAJ. These concerns were based on the fact that the Fisman article abused mathematical modelling and provided no evidence that people who remained unvaccinated for COVID-19 created a risk to vaccinated people. In her book, Dr. Watteel related that the modelling results used in the article were fabricated and contrary to available data. She believes that the purpose of Dr. Fisman’s article was to support discriminatory policies against those who chose not to receive COVID-19 vaccines.

Amazingly, within days of the publication of the article in the CMAJ, dozens of news stories in top Canadian and international newspapers warned of the dire risk of associating with unvaccinated people. The unvaccinated were compared to carriers of syphilis, intoxicated drivers, and other reckless individuals who had no regard for others.

Fisman’s Background

Dr. Fisman is a highly respected member of the Ontario Medical Association, educated at Western and McGill Universities in Canada and Brown University in the US. He was also a researcher at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children and an advisor to the National Canada Pension Plan and to the now discredited WE Charity.  Dr. Fisman will lead the University of Toronto’s Centre for Pandemic Readiness which is “dedicated to research to prevent the next pandemic and limit transmission”. In this role, Fisman will oversee mathematical modelling and forecasting on pandemics and outbreaks.  There can be no doubt that Dr. Fisman had the qualifications to know that the modelling in his article was incorrect.

Funding of Fisman’s Research

Dr. Fisman’s study on COVID-19 was funded by the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR). Most Canadian health research flows through this government agency. The latter has a reputation for funding politically correct research. For example, it refused to fund research on a possible breast cancer link to prior abortions. However, it provided $18 million for the disreputable research carried out by political activist researchers at UBC which determined, falsely, that drug injection centres were highly beneficial. We now know that they are not. However, their studies were used for political purposes to push drug injection sites in Canada and around the world.

Although many attempts were made requesting that the CMAJ either withdraw or at least correct Dr. Fisman’s article, it refused to do so.

Instead, in effect, the article was responsible for overreach by the government and medical authorities to justify their actions, supposedly based on “the science”. The resulted in discrimination, hatred, and the subsequent “reinterpretation” of the Charter by the courts to deny the inalienable rights of Canadians. The Canadian establishment, especially the federal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, used the fraudulent article for its own political and ideological reasons. That is, politics and ideology overrode genuine scientific data. Quebec Liberal MP Joël Lightbound (Louis-Hébert) admitted this during the 2021 federal election campaign, stating, “A decision was made to wedge, divide and stigmatize” Canadians over the COVID vaccination. In August 2021, Trudeau stated, “if you don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice. But don’t think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk.”  In September 2021, Trudeau, as is his practice of insulting and stigmatizing those who do not agree with him, stated that, “they [the unvaccinated] do not believe in the science . . . and are often misogynists, often racist, too; it is a sect, a small group, but who are taking up space, and here we have to make a choice, as a leader, as a country. Do we tolerate these people?” By September 2022, the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Norway stopped offering the COVID vaccine to healthy young children, but Fisman still continued to push his agenda, tweeting in the same month, “Please get your kids vaccinated. Make sure they’re up to date with as many vaccine doses as they’re eligible for.”

In regard to the COVID vaccines, institutional overreach also occurred when multiple medical safeguards were abandoned. Protocols were circumvented, benefits of the vaccine were not pre-established, contracts with pharmaceutical companies were kept secret, and adverse reactions were not adequately tracked or made public.  Physicians were prevented from using their medical expertise in regard to this novel genetic product and were penalized by their provincial medical associations, losing their licenses if they expressed their concerns about the vaccination. Dr. Fisman’s fraudulent article led to dishonourable ethical failures and gross negligence in our health system.

The book, Fisman’s Fraud, The Rise of Canadian Hate Science, slices through layers of lost integrity, accountability, and responsibility by those who are, unfortunately, still at the helm of this country, and who are not being held accountable for their betrayal of Canadians.