Ottawa, Ontario                                                                                                                  April 24, 2019



On April 23, 2019, Justin Trudeau ordered the Canadian Mint to release a special homosexual coin (the “Loonie”) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his father, Pierre Trudeau’s, decriminalization of homosexuality for those over 21 years of age (later reduced to 18 years of age).

Many Canadians, however, whether religious or non-religious, regard homosexual practices as unnatural, unhealthy and abnormal.  This coinage to mark the 50th anniversary of homosexuality is an insult to the intelligence and integrity of Canadians in all their diversity, since it pushes the LGBT agenda on everyone.  It is also a pandering to a vocal minority.

Further, it is unprecedented for the mint to produce a coin to mark a semi-centennial “celebration” of anything, let alone the celebration of sexual acts.

By this so-called “celebration”, Trudeau has also distorted history.  The amendment in 1969 on homosexuality clearly distinguished between private and public sexual acts.  It provided only that sexual acts between consenting adults over 21 years of age was legal if performed in private.  If a third person or others were present, these acts continued to be illegal.  Trudeau Senior’s famous statement, borrowed from the Globe and Mail, that “There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation”, specifically excluded homosexual acts in public, which Trudeau Senior stated was “a different matter” since “what’s done in private between adults doesn’t concern the Criminal Code”.  As usual, Justin Trudeau has failed to grasp this significant difference.

Trudeau’s demand for coinage to celebrate homosexuality is a blatant politicization of coinage.  His attempt to emblazon specific sexual activity on Canadian money and to pretend that his father was a creator of “gay rights” in Canada is simply inaccurate.  In 1972, Trudeau Senior continued to support the dismissal of homosexuals from the public services and military for national security reasons because homosexuality at that time was still prohibited under the Criminal Code, making homosexuals vulnerable to intimidation and blackmail.

Justin Trudeau’s failure to understand the history behind the change in the law only adds to the absurdity of Canadian coinage celebrating sexual acts.

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For further information contact:

Gwendolyn Landolt                                                                         Diane Watts
National Vice-President                                                                 Researcher
REAL Women of Canada                                                               REAL Women of Canada
(905) 787-0348                                                                                (613) 236-4001
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