Ottawa, Ontario                                                                                                        December 6, 2021


 Canada is Lost and so is the Conservative Party

The Liberal government tabled a revamped Bill C-4 in the House of Commons on November 29, 2021 that will make it a crime to help anyone, at any age, to undergo conversion therapy, even with their consent.  The definition of conversion therapy is so broad that it will ban any attempt at counselling by parents, experienced professionals, or even by pastors who pray to change an unwanted orientation, or to welcome one’s natural sex.  To do so will now be a criminal offence.

This controversial bill was passed by the opposing political parties through the House of Commons mindlessly, without debate or a committee hearing.  Instead, it was agreed that the bill be sent directly to the Senate.

This development is a shock to thoughtful Canadians as it is proof that Canada has become a troubled and damaged country.  Canada can no longer pretend it is a democracy where the leaders listen to the public or adhere to established Parliamentary procedures.  The instantaneous acceptance of this bill was a brutal display of the contempt that the ruling elite have for the general public.

Bill C-4 legalizes the illogical myth, lacking any scientific evidence, that sexual orientation is settled at birth, but that gender is changeable.  This ignores the fact that the DNA and the reproductive system do not change, regardless of hormone treatments and surgeries. There is much evidence that many individuals have willingly changed their orientation to their own satisfaction with counselling.

The tragic effect of Bill C-4 is that some real persons struggle with emotional issues and have serious questions that should be addressed.  Instead, under this legislation, they may legally receive advice or counselling that leads them in only one direction and to only one conclusion. This legislation is intolerant, authoritarian and discriminatory.

Homosexuals have long argued that they have experienced discrimination.  Now, some of these adherents are being forced to experience the worst discrimination of all, in that they cannot undergo medical treatment by professionals or receive spiritual counselling, on a matter that concerns them, even with their own consent – a right available to all other Canadians at all times.

Bill C-4 amounts to nothing more than pandering to a special interest group favoured by a ‘woke’ world that crushes any dissent to its progressive agenda.

This shameless display in the House of Commons also signals the death knell of Conservative Leader, O’Toole, and the Conservative Party.  O’Toole has thrown the Party into the gleeful, welcoming arms of the ruling Liberal Party.  By doing so, O’Toole has shown his contempt for genuine Conservatives and has created in the latter a matching contempt for him among authentic Conservatives.  O’Toole and the Conservative Party agreeing to this bill without a vote or a review, is blatant political opportunism coupled with O’Toole and the Conservative Party’s incapability of distinguishing between conservative principles and current trends in the woke culture.

There is no longer any reason for the Conservative Party to continue to exist.

This recent action in the House of Commons, in regard to Bill C-4, has sown seeds of anger and resentment. It will not go away.  It will be remembered.

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For further information contact:

Pauline Guzik


Telephone (613) 236-4001

Fax: (613) 236-7203


Cathy Smith

Board Member, Alberta

Telephone (613) 236-4001

Fax: (613) 236-7203