1. Bereavement Leave for Abortion

The left-wing ideology behind abortion holds that the pre-born baby is not yet a human being, but is merely a clump of cells.  Therefore, abortion has no moral implications at all, but is merely a medical health issue for women.

But, in September 2021, the city of Boston passed an amendment to its parental leave policy to allow up to twelve weeks of paid leave for women having an abortion for any reason.

In October 2021, the City Council of Portland approved changes that give public employees, paid time off after having an abortion.

In 2021, the London headquartered mobile digital bank, Monzo, also offered paid leave for women after having an abortion.

Thus, women who purposely abort their child will now receive the same paid leave as women who experience a miscarriage or a stillbirth.  So who died in the abortion?  Who is being mourned? Since it is just a bunch of cells, bereavement leave is now available for the loss of cells?

     2. Performing your own Abortion

In the years leading up to the legalization of abortion, one of the major arguments made was that it was necessary to prevent women from backstreet abortionists or aborting themselves by way of a coat hanger.

Apparently, performing an abortion on yourself, in your own home, using an abortion pill without any medical assistance is perfectly all right.  The coat hanger, which feminists have long used as imagery to point out the dangers of self-abortions and the need for legal abortionists, may not be considered so harmful after all.

During the Women’s March in Washington on October 2, 2021, the organizers told participants that they should no longer use the coat hanger imagery because “we do not want to accidentally reinforce the right wing talking points that self-managed abortions are dangerous, scary and harmful”.  A U.S. study (2002-2015) found a 500% increase in abortion-related emergency room visits after the use of the abortion pill. A UK study found that 10,000 women who had used the abortion pill at home in 2020, needed hospital treatment to deal with its side effects. Women who self-abort at home are hospitalized for excessive bleeding, severe abdominal pain and haemorrhaging and may even die. Are they just experiencing ordinary reproductive health complications?

     3. Conversion Therapy

The Liberal government tabled a revamped Bill C-4 in the House of Commons on November 29, 2021, that will make it a crime to help anyone, at any age, to undergo conversion therapy, even with their consent.  The definition of conversion therapy is so broad that it will ban any attempt at counselling by parents, experienced professionals, or even pastors who pray to change an unwanted orientation or welcome one’s natural sex.  This will now be a criminal offence.

Homosexuals have long argued that they experience discrimination. Now they will experience the worst discrimination of all, in that they cannot undergo medical treatment or spiritual counselling, even with their own consent, a right available to all other Canadians.  Are people who struggle with emotional issues and have serious questions, just tools to further the progressive left’s agenda?

     4. New Medical Technology and Babies

Manufacturing babies by new medical technology in order to fulfill the desires of adults, is regarded, in today’s culture, as a great advancement for humanity. What is even better, however, if you are lucky, is that you may even be able to purchase such a baby at a discount, just like your washing machine.

The BioTexCom centre, located in Kiev in the Ukraine, has now offered surrogacy and fertility packages for sale, at a 3% discount.  “Hurry up to make your dream of a baby come true!”, says the promotional blurb on the website.  Unfortunately, the discount on these “packages”, was only available between November 15th to November 26th, 2021.

     5. Euthanasia

A law permitting a physician to kill his patient or to provide a prescription to allow the patient to kill himself, was passed into law in Canada in June 2016. The law in practice has now degenerated into the normalization of death on demand.

Germany, too, passed a law permitting euthanasia. However, the euthanasia organization, Verein Sterbehilfe (“Euthanasia Association”) has thoughtfully put in place a restriction or guideline that stipulates that a patient should only be euthanized if he/she has been properly vaccinated against COVID-19. It seems odd that an individual in Germany should now first take an injection that we are advised prevents death, in order to have him/her officially killed.