The polling company, Pew Research, found that 63% of Americans believe in God with absolute certainty. Only 11% of Western Europeans even agree that religion is very important in their lives. The Pew Research data also shows that Americans want religion to play a larger role in society than it currently does.  So why is the U.S. Democratic Party so intent on passing laws to widen access to abortion and promote the LGBT and feminist ideologies, entirely out of step with the views of the electorate?

Attacks on Christian churches are taking place all over the world and especially in the Middle East and North Africa. The former British Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, commissioned a report, released in April, 2019, which stated “Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world”. According to Open Doors, USA, 105 Christian churches and their adjoining buildings are burned or attacked every month, world-wide.  An average of 345 Christians are killed worldwide for faith-based reasons every month.  Between 1999-2006, there were 18 Christian churches in the U.S. that experienced fatal shooting deaths.

The mainstream media in the Western world generally ignore almost all of these attacks on Christians.  Former U.S. President Barak Obama and former 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton referred to the 359 victims in the attack on Christian churches in Sri Lanka, in April 2019, as “Easter worshippers”, refusing to acknowledge that it was Christians who were killed by Muslim extremists.

It should be pointed out that 51 Muslims were murdered in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand in March of 2019, with 50 injured. Also, six Muslims were murdered in a Quebec City mosque in January 2017, with 19 injured. Eleven worshippers were also killed and six injured in a synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, and a woman worshipper in a synagogue in California in 2019 was killed and three others harmed in the attack.  All of these deaths are deeply horrifying.  Why is religious belief so hated in our so-called “tolerant” society? Is it because those who hold religious beliefs are obstacles to the implementation of the left-wing secular agenda?

Gender study experts claim that Canadian women obtaining high political positions lost their re-election bids due to double standards, such as intolerable scrutiny of them by the media, and misogynist behaviour directed at female politicians by male politicians and others.

In 2013, almost half of Canada’s provincial and territorial leaders were female, but none of them served a second term.

Gender specialists have apparently not considered that many men have also failed to be returned to office for a second term.  Nor have they considered the possibility that the female leaders were defeated because of failed, unpopular policies, such as those of Ontario’s Kathleen Wynne, and Quebec’s Pauline Marois, or excessive spending by Alberta’s Allison Redford, or breach of promises to the voters by B.C.’s Christie Clark, or Alberta’s defeat of Rachel Notley, in April 2019, due to her inability to deal with the economic crisis in that province.  Gender had nothing to do with these women’s failure to be re-elected.  It’s their policies that made all the difference.  In short, it is convenient for feminists to claim that there is a glass ceiling preventing women’s political success, – Hillary Clinton ad nauseam – but the reality is quite different.

It is noteworthy that British PM Margaret Thatcher was the longest serving British Prime Minister in the 20th century. Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and India Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had no difficulty being re-elected. They were competent politicians promoting acceptable policies.

U.S. President Donald Trump told attendees at a Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit in April, 2019, that his administration was giving full support to a wide range of treatments for drug addicts, including $90 million for the prevention of youth substance abuse.

Prime Minister Trudeau’s approach to drug abuse has consistently relied on the damaging policy of harm reduction, especially the use of drug injection sites which deepens addiction, leading to the addicts’ increased suffering and death.  This policy of providing drug injection sites for addicts to freely inject drugs they purchased from drug traffickers is absurd. To increase their profit, the traffickers contaminate the drugs with the fatal drug, fentanyl. This has resulted in over 12, 800 deaths by opioids in Canada between January 2016 and March 2019, according to Health Canada.  Most of the dead, almost 70%, were between the ages of 20 – 49, the majority of them male.  Deaths from opioids in Canada have gone up every single year.