Grants Paid to Gay Pride Organizations During the Pandemic

It is unbelievable that Trudeau’s government is enthusiastically funding gay pride parades during the pandemic of 2020 and 2021. This is occurring despite the fact that parades and other similar activities have been banned.

However, grants have continued to be given to pride parade planning groups in major cities across Canada. For example, grants have been made to homosexual Gay Pride organizations including those in Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Regina, Saskatoon, and PEI. In its generous splurge, the Trudeau government hasn’t overlooked the homosexual groups in smaller towns either. These include such towns as Fernie and Nanaimo, BC, Jasper and Taber, AB, Kemptville, Peterborough, Thunder Bay and York Region, Ontario, and Truro, NS.

The total of these grants, given to 34 individual gay pride parade groups, comes to just under $1.5 million.  In addition, even though theatres (both stage and film) have been closed during the pandemic, homosexual art groups are still getting grants for these activities.  Examples of this include, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, in Toronto ($11,800), Pride in Art Society, in Vancouver ($63,300) and Winnipeg Gay and Lesbian Film ($20,200).

There is no logic or consistency to this funding at a time when there are prohibitions on gatherings outside the family “safety” bubble.

Businesses are closed, many forced into bankruptcy, livelihoods are wrecked, and churches are closed – but the government still has money to give to LGBTQ organizations.

The obvious question is why is the government doing this? Perhaps the answer is that the Liberal government wants to ensure that these homosexual groups remain together and not flounder during the pandemic (like the rest of us). The government is using taxpayer money to make certain that homosexual organizations continue to thrive and flourish during the pandemic so that they will be able to continue unabated in the promotion LGBTQ issues, regardless of the suffering experienced by others.