REALity  Volume XXXV Issue No. 2 February 2016
Conservative Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, has left his mark: the establishment of a network to fund gay activism in developing countries, courtesy of the Canadian taxpayer.

Foreign Affairs, now re-named by the Liberal government “Global Affairs”, is acutely aware that the average Canadian is not in favor of funding gay activism in family oriented developing countries. The latter should be funded for the provision of clean water, medical assistance, and the development of technical skills to feed their growing populations, rather than the promotion of homosexuality.

Under the Access to Information Act, a request was made for details about funding homosexual groups in developing countries in 2013. Foreign Affairs, however, claimed there were no such records available. The gay media apparently knew otherwise.  

What Was The Funding Bureaucrats Were Trying to Hide?

According to the homosexual website the Government of Canada gave nearly $900,000 to LGBT groups in 34 countries. This money came out of a Foreign Affairs administered program called Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).  This fund amounted to $14,000,000 in total, which was distributed through Canadian embassies to non-government organizations to promote human rights in the developing world.  Most of these human rights were reasonable and uncontroversial, unlike the LGBT funding.

The Department of Foreign Affairs released two of the names of the funded LGBT projects to the homosexual website. The reason given for releasing only a limited list at all was allegedly due to “security” concerns about some LGBT organizations in developing countries.

In contrast to information freely given to the homosexual website, an unrelated request under the Access to Information Act received only heavily censured documents, in which 33 public servants shuffled requests for information back and forth between 22 different government departments, divisions and committees, presumably to maintain secrecy about this funding.

According to the small list posted on the 2015 homosexual website some of the LGBT projects that the CFLI funded included:

  • An LGBT rights organization in Madagascar was given a grant in the amount of $19,807.00 to launch an awareness and sensitivity campaign about LGBT rights. These funds went toward purchasing 31 billboards on the main roads, ads in four of the most read newspapers, and radio spots on the two most popular stations for a month long campaign.

  The ultimate goals of the campaign were to repeal the sodomy law, create a hate crime law, and intervene in public schools in order to talk about sexuality and safer sex.

  • An LGBT organization in Ukraine was given a grant from CFLI to launch a three month ad campaign in five cities to promote an LGBT hotline service to provide information on medical and “social and nightlife information”.

Although the homosexual website claims that the CFLI funding to LGBT groups only began in 2014-2015, this apparently was not the case. REAL Women of Canada found that there were grants made in previous years to homosexual groups by CFLI.  Some of these include:

South Africa

  • Community building through strengthening Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) rights in KwaZulu Natal in order to expand LGBT services there.



  • A grant to promote human rights, including LGBT rights through community Bush Radio.


  •  Communities funded to provide focus group discussions about the rights of LGBT persons in order to increase awareness and acceptance of diversity.
  • The Durban Lesbian and Gay Community and Health Centre brought together legal practitioners and community leaders for training sessions and dialogues on LGBT issues based on Canadian funding.



  • The Matrix Support Group was funded to facilitate film screenings to increase acceptance of diversity, increase awareness of and respect for the rights of LGBT persons and to encourage an inclusive and open environment for LGBT persons.

All these grants to homosexual groups took place during the tenure of the former Foreign Affairs Minister, homosexual, John Baird.

The reason why African homosexual groups were singled out for funding by Baird may be due to the fact that homosexual rights have not made headway in Africa due to its strong family and religious culture. US homosexual groups have blamed US pro-family groups for this resistance to the homosexual cause.  It has nothing at all to do with the US family groups, but rather, with the African pro-family culture.  Baird obviously believed, however, that homosexual propaganda, provided unknowingly by the Canadian taxpayers, would break down this resistance in the African countries.

Baird Tests The Terrain Back in 2013

REAL Women first learned of Baird’s pro-homosexual activity in Africa, when news reports stated that under Baird, an initial $199,397 was handed over to activists in Uganda and Kenya in 2013 for political advocacy. The money was to train legal experts and activists in litigation strategies using human rights language to establish laws to impose rights for “sexual orientation”, a term which is unknown in African culture. Funds also went to raise awareness of homosexual demands to promote special rights associated with risky behaviors historically rejected by the entire culture.  

That is, the Canadian funding was used to interfere with African government efforts to fight the spread of AIDS by reducing risky behavior, and strengthening the African family by protecting youth from anti-family propaganda.  African constitutions protect the “right to culture, tradition and religion”, as well as “public order, public health, and morals.” Attacks on family and marriage are offensive to Africans, who strongly object to western money fueling social unrest in their countries, but that is exactly what Canada was doing.

When the above information about Foreign Affairs funding homosexual groups in Africa came to light in 2013, REAL Women raised strong objections. This angered homosexuals and their supporters in the media, who tried unsuccessfully to silence REAL Women of Canada by making wild and unsubstantiated accusations about us. We continued with our objections, however.

Canada’s New Role

According to information provided on the homosexual website, in 2014-15, 44 organizations in over 34 countries received Foreign Affairs funding for local “sexual diversity” promotion projects. Proposals for funding for 2015-2016 has also been advertised on federal government websites, targeting traditionally family oriented countries, such as Columbia, Argentina. Pakistan, Nigeria, Vietnam, Burma, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Chile, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, South Africa, Namibia, Madagascar, Lesotho, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia, Uganda, and others.

Canada’s Fabricated “Progressive” Efforts Abroad

Canada’s fabricated “progressive” sexual diversity values are being spread with our tax dollars throughout the world, thanks to homosexual John Baird’s initiative as Minister of Foreign Affairs from May 2011 to February 2015. The voracious appetite for funding, previously exhibited by feminist groups, indicates that homosexual organizations will also become accustomed to Canadian funding as they march through previously family oriented countries insisting that these countries adjust their laws, health care and education to suit the lifestyles of homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, etc.,

Canadians, generally, and REAL Women members, in particular, do not oppose the rights of all individuals to be free from violence, murder, incarceration and the death penalty. Opposition arises when so-called homosexual rights interfere with the natural family, parental rights and the protection of children, contrary to religion and culture in the developing world. Developing countries must be free to uphold their established constitutional “right to culture, tradition and religion”, as well as “public order, public health, and morals” without interference via Canadian tax dollars.

This must stop. Please write to:

The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON Canada K1A 0A2

Honourable Minister Stéphane Dion
Minister of Foreign and Global Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0A6

and your Member of Parliament (MP)   (613) 992-4793

Please object to your tax dollars being used for propaganda purposes to support homosexual rights in developing countries, contrary to their culture and religion.