REALity  Volume XXXVI  Issue No. 6 June 2017

It seems that the “experts” are all confused about the transgender issue. Either that, or they have tripped all over themselves in trying to promote it.

Everybody knows that children are not miniature adults. Their cognitive immaturity during adolescence has always been recognized.  This is why society has long had age restrictions in place for children not only for consenting to medical procedures, but also for driving, voting, joining the military, and purchasing alcohol and cigarettes.

Yet the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published an excerpt of a recent study published in the April, 2017 issue of Experimental Psychology.  The study reported that children under the age of fourteen years of age are not cognitively capable of crossing a busy street “because children lack the perceptual judgment and physical skills needed to consistently get across safely”.  The study said that this was the case for children aged 6, 8, 10 and 12.  Only by the time the children reach 14 years of age, should they be deemed competent to cross a busy street.

What is so confusing, is that the AAP also deems children cognitively competent to decide that they are the wrong sex. AAP believes that they are capable of consenting to puberty blockers, toxic sex hormones, and mutilating sex reassignment surgery.  In fact, Benard P. Dreyer, the AAP President claims that “there appears to be no harm – and possible benefit – from parent–supported early social transitions” for children as young as three or four.

In its enthusiasm to promote transgenderism in children, the AAP has discreetly ignored a study titled: The landscape of sex-differential transcriptome and its consequent selection in human adults – published in BMC Biology earlier this year.

The study mapped out thousands of genes – the biological databases of all the information that makes every person unique – from 53 tissues that are similar in males and females, such as the skin, muscle, and brain. The study uncovered 1,559 genetic differences between males and females that relate not only to the sexual organs, but surprisingly to other organs such as the brain, skin, and heart.

These findings suggest that there is much more involved in the notion of changing one’s gender to the opposite sex than simply surgery and hormonal treatment.

This all seems to have created confusion in the minds of the AAP. Being politically correct obviously has created problems for the experts.

Related articles:

More people are getting ‘sex change’ surgeries than ever before … but it’s not what you think   Doug Mainwaring Lifesite News May 25, 2017
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons released its first-ever report tracking national statistics on transgender surgery, increasingly referred to as “gender confirmation surgeries,” that showed close to a 20 percent increase in 2016 over the previous year.