We are bombarded with propaganda and lies on abortion, designed to manipulate and persuade women to go through with one. This is an era of “fake news”, spin and outright government/institutional lies, and is especially so in regard to abortion.

We are also living in a narcissistic culture of death. It is a culture which cries out for change because many people inwardly sense that the culture of death leads only to despair and self-destruction.

Changing the Culture

Some may think that culture change is too big a task to take on.  Yet it may be no more difficult than simply speaking the truth and thereby exposing the lies on which the Culture of Death relies to survive.

Of all the lies promoted by today’s abortion culture, perhaps the biggest is that women “need” abortion to be equal to men in order to achieve “successful” careers.  The truth is that women are not men.  We are different biologically, emotionally and psychologically.  Yet, we are supposed to pretend that women can walk away with indifference from a pregnancy to preserve their careers. Few women, however, are indifferent to the effects of an abortion.

We denigrate women when we offer them only abortion by warning them that a woman can’t have both a successful career and be a successful mother.  Many thousands of women have shown otherwise.

We should acknowledge too, that many women do not want a career outside the home. Rather, they find fulfilment in motherhood and raising a family.  This career choice should be appreciated and supported. Women who choose home over office are deserving of our respect and support.

True empowerment of women must also entail supporting women through a pregnancy so that whatever her “career”, both she and her child can flourish.

Refusal to Assist Women

Narcissistic Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, wrapped up in the blind ideology of the culture of death only understands abortion on simplistic terms, i.e., that it be readily and easily available for women for whatever reason.  In contrast, a sane, caring and compassionate government would provide a support system for pregnant women in a difficult situation by providing them with real, viable alternatives, e.g., parenting support (both financial and emotional).

However, instead of ensuring that women have access to information regarding viable alternatives to abortion, the Liberal government is trying to destroy access to such information as provided by pregnancy crisis centres by eliminating their charitable status claiming that pregnancy crisis centres are providing “dishonest counselling to women.” (Liberal Party 2021 Platform, Forward. For Everyone., p. 4).  The purpose of this is to eliminate dissent from his policies on abortion.

It is pro-life pregnancy crisis centres that offer alternatives to women with the provision of “accurate, judgement free and evidence-based” information – they are the only agencies speaking the truth and providing compassionate assistance.

Provincial Leadership Required on the Abortion Issue

A province, under the Constitution Act, 1867 has responsibility for the establishment, maintenance, and management of hospitals and health care.

Accordingly, it is entirely within provincial competence to implement policies on abortion since it is a health issue which falls under its jurisdiction.  Consequently, the provinces can

  • Legally provide waiting periods before an abortion is performed to provide women with time to reflect before the fatal act is carried out.
  • Provide ultrasound in order to ensure that women have full and complete knowledge of what is taking place during the abortion – the death of a human person.
  • Provide objective facts on the child’s development in the womb.
  • Discourage, if not ban, the practice of sex-selective abortions (a girl in the womb should not be a reason for abortion).
  • Provide funds for the provision of financial support for housing during and after pregnancy. This would make a difference for women who may feel abandoned, lost and alone in their difficulty.
  • Provide funding for many more crisis pregnancy centres and actively promote them.
  • Statistical transparency on publicly funded abortion. The hidden and murky abortion business must be exposed.

Data from public hospitals as well as abortion clinics and chemical drug induced abortions must be made available. Such data should include: age of woman undergoing abortion; age/sex of baby aborted; disposition of baby’s remains, e.g. recipients of the remains (were they used in medical or pharmaceutical research), and whether the remains were sold and for how much; was the woman who underwent the abortion aware of the baby’s disposition and did she give her consent to it, if so, on what terms; reason for abortion; number of times woman has undergone the procedure; whether ultrasound was provided to the  mother before the procedure; and the nature and availability of alternative counselling provided to her.

Data should also be made available regarding the number and location of abortion clinics in each province and number and location of each pregnancy crisis centre.  Pregnancy crisis centres should, by the way, also provide annual statistics on the number of women seen, their ages, number of ultrasounds given, types and quantities of assistance given, i.e., pregnancy tests, diapers and cribs, parenting classes, medical care, post-abortion support, etc.

These ideas are not new. They are policies that some U.S. states have implemented with great success, as evidenced by the reduction in abortion rates in those states.

Turning the Tide

Nearly fifty years ago, the United States Supreme Court decided that Roe v. Wade settled the abortion issue.  However, in June 2022, the same Court admitted that it was not a settled matter after all in that abortion was not a constitutional right for women, and returned the issue for regulation by the state legislatures.

This ruling caused an earthquake through the abortion industry, and the Left in general.  It did so because the decision exposed the judicial arrogance and faulty reasoning of the U.S. Supreme Court’s former decision.

Fifty years of campaigning for the pro-life policies was a contributing factor in the remarkable change in U.S. public opinion on abortion. Americans largely supported Roe v. Wade when it was decided in 1973, but supportive pro-Life policies have led to the population in recent years gaining a deeper understanding of abortion.  This is reflected in their support for overturning Roe v. Wade, according to polls.

Canadians should take heart in the realization that the Morgentaler decision (1988), like the Roe v. Wade decision was not carved in stone.  The Morgentaler decision is ripe for reconsideration and overturning as there are significant legal arguments that make the decision vulnerable to legal challenge. It will be set aside when the time is right to do so.

The  time is ripe now, however, to define the terms of the debate on abortion in terms of human life, unborn children, children in the womb who can feel pain and who instinctively react to avoid the abortionist’s instruments of death. It is time to recognize abortion for what it is – the ending of a distinct human being. “Potential life” means only the ovum and sperm before they are united, but once united, it is human life, full of potential and possibilities – not only in the womb but during its whole life, fully deserving of respect and protections.

The present status quo, offering only access to abortion may be convenient for the fanatical Trudeau government in Ottawa, the left-wing mainstream media, and feminists.  But the time is long overdue for our society to provide for the needs of women and their unborn children, no longer the interests of the abortion industry, irresponsible women and men, and the progressive woke culture.

Our current ruthless, insensitive, totalitarian attitude towards women and abortion, which is indifferent to the suffering and pain of both women and unborn children, must stop. We must move on and deal with pregnancies in a civilized, caring way.  A culture change must now make this happen.