WHEREAS the prohibition against assisted suicide is the norm amongst western democracies and has been so since the time of Hippocrates;

AND WHEREAS Section 14 and Section 241 of the Criminal Code are grounded in the State’s interest in protecting life and reflect the policy of the State that human life should not be depreciated by allowing a life to be taken;

AND WHEREAS to permit a physician or any individual to lawfully participate in taking life would imply that there are circumstances in which the State approves suicide;

AND WHEREAS pain and suffering can be alleviated by palliative care;

AND WHEREAS Section 14 and Section 241 of the Criminal Code protect vulnerable individuals from those who might be induced to assist in their death, and prevent the killing of the sick and terminally ill;

BE IT RESOLVED that parliament ensure that the present provisions of the Criminal Code Sections 14 and 241 prohibiting assisted suicide be retained and vigorously enforced.