Last week the Liberal Party released its platform which included a direct attack on pro-life groups.
The platform stated that a re-elected Liberal government will:
- Remove the charitable status of anti-abortion organizations (for example, Crisis Pregnancy Centres) that provide “dishonest” information to women about their rights and about the options available to them at all stages of the pregnancy”.
Since the Liberal government regards any pro-life statement or activity as providing misinformation, this provision is an open door for the Liberals, if elected, to commence a witch-hunt against pro-life groups, especially crisis pregnancy centres.
- Bring in regulations under the Canada Health Act to ensure ready access to abortion, The Medical Health Act currently provides that coverage must be given to “medically necessary procedures” (determined by each province). This regulation will ensure that all provinces will be required to fund abortion services not only in hospitals, but also to all private for-profit abortion clinics.
- Develop a website on abortion which will include a section that counters “misinformation” about abortion.
- Provide 10 Million dollars for youth-led organizations to respond to the abortion needs of young people.
It seems that every effort must be made to prevent a Liberal government from continuing with its anti-life undemocratic procedures and policies. Unfortunately, should Trudeau be re-elected, there is no hope for a pro-life, pro-family Canada.
We are living in a time that is very difficult and challenging. Because of this, REAL Women of Canada believes that it is necessary to adapt our strategy in the 2021 federal election to meet the new situation.
Mr. Trudeau has announced that he has “Great Plans” for Canada. This causes a shudder in all of us, as we know that his plans will enhance his own belief in the progressive-woke culture, as well as enhance his own personal power.
We also know that if he is re-elected, he will not consult with Canadians with regard to his future plans, but only with his paid advisors.
To restrain the reins of Trudeau’s power is only the first step. The second step will come later, to create a more balanced and rational country.
Trudeau Must Not Win
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called the election for September 20, 2021 to realize his own personal ambition. He thinks he can win a majority. This would give him a free hand to control Canada for the next four years. He relishes power, and like a spoiled child, deeply resents any controls over, or probing of his behaviour. In short, Trudeau wants more power over the public and less accounting for himself.
His desire for power has been shown many times. In March 2020 he proposed that he be given sweeping new powers to unilaterally spend, borrow and tax Canadians without Parliamentary approval for a period of twenty-one months. Fortunately, the opposition united against this proposal. Trudeau subsequently shut down Parliament when the Finance Committee tried to get to the bottom of the notorious WE charity scandal that personally enriched his own family members, and allowed the WE charity brothers to amass their own private real estate empire. Trudeau refused to provide documents relating to the firing of two Chinese scientists from Winnipeg’s high security National Microbiology Laboratory. The scientists were associated with the Chinese military. The federal government may have partnered with them in transferring secret data and material to China. To avoid releasing documents requested by the Parliamentary Committee, Trudeau took the matter to court. This resulted in the Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota (a Liberal), being forced into a court proceeding to preserve Parliamentary privilege which allows unfettered discretion for Parliament to conduct the nation’s business, against Mr. Rota’s own Liberal government. This legal showdown however, was dropped by the Liberals when Parliament was dissolved for the federal election.
Trudeau has refused to permit paid advisors from his office (PMO) and public servants, from testifying before Parliamentary Committees when Liberal policies are reviewed. Trudeau believes that he should not be controlled by Parliament, and should not be questioned by anyone. He is frustrated when his agenda is obstructed. He has the mind, demeanour, and the spirit of a true totalitarian.
Because he relishes power and is offended by democratic controls that prevent him from acquiring even more power, such as Bill C-36 which will restrict free speech on the internet, and Bill C-10 which will give Trudeau control over broadcasting, he is determined to obtain a majority. Liberal MPs have established a reputation of being obedient soldiers, marching in Trudeau’s personal army.
How Trudeau Plans to Win His Majority
In August 2021, Trudeau gave Quebec a $6 billion grant without any strings attached in connection with the federal national child-care program. Quebec already has its own day care program in place since 1997, so there was no requirement to give Quebec matching money for the proposed federal child care plan. This grant was made on top of $13 billion dollars in equalization payments awarded Quebec by the federal government this year. It is not surprising that Quebec is the only province that balanced its budget this year.
Trudeau was joined by Quebec premier Francois Legault at the press conference announcing the $6 billion grant. Premier Legault cheerfully admitted that this money would not be used for day care, but would instead be spent freely at Quebec’s own discretion.
Mr. Legault knows that he has now pinned down the ears of the rest of Canada in Parliament because Quebec has seventy-eight seats, which will now mostly fall safely into Liberal hands (with Legault’s help). The Bloc Quebecois party is expected to take some Quebec seats however, but the Conservative Party despite its astonishingly generous platform to woo Quebec, and the NDP party, have little expectation of gaining seats in Quebec. The latter province, will now make demands on Trudeau, who will willingly oblige Quebec, as is his practice, regardless of the opinions and wishes of the rest of Canada. Bluntly stated, the nine remaining English-speaking provinces and the three territories are hostages to Quebec. Their views will be ignored, or secondary to the demands of Quebec.
Polls on the Election
Pay no attention to polls during the election. The latter have acquired a reputation of serving only the purpose of influencing elections, not providing information to the public. This is the situation even with a current poll by Nanos Research, indicating that Trudeau’s support is slipping, and that he is losing momentum. Perhaps yes or maybe no. Pay no attention.
Trudeau’s Support in Ontario
Trudeau believes he has this election sewn up in his favour, not just because of Quebec, but also because of the delicious prospect that Toronto’s thirty-five seats will fall into his hands, as well as multiple seats from the 905 (telephone area) surrounding Toronto. He is correct that there are seats in Toronto that are resolutely Liberal, populated by “progressive” elites who anguish over climate change, desperately need a government-run, one-size-fits-all $10 dollar a day child care plan, (despite their own affluence), and have little or no concern about Trudeau’s reckless spending which has created a debt of over $1 trillion dollars. This is despite the fact that Trudeau has created for Canada an economic horror for our children. There are, however, millions of voters in Toronto and surrounding area ridings who find Trudeau’s incompetent and arrogant behaviour to be nauseating and despicable. They vote too. Trudeau should not take them for granted.
2021 Election Strategy for a Concerned Public
As previously stated, the 2021 federal election is different from all previous Canadian elections. This is due to the fact that never before in Canadian history have Canadians had a Prime Minister who has no grasp of ethics, principles, economics, or a well-ordered democracy. With the absence of this basic understanding, Trudeau operates with nothing to control or restrain his totalitarian impulses.
Voters should therefore pause and carefully reflect on the implications of giving Trudeau another minority, let alone, majority government. Do we want him to continue navigating our national ship of state, when it appears to be headed in a direction that will crash on the rocks of division, economic ruin, gender identity, the woke culture and a failure to conform to basic democratic principles?
Strategic Voting in the 2021 Election
There are 338 seats in the House of Commons and each seat is unique. Each seat must become a battleground to save the country. This can be done by way of strategic voting. The key is to focus on one objective – to defeat the Liberal candidate in your riding. To do this, it is essential to determine which candidate has the best chance of defeating the Liberal candidate, and then voting for that candidate regardless of his/her political party. This may be extremely painful for many of us, but in this election we do not have the luxury of voting for the candidate or party we prefer. We must become experts on our riding and ruthless in our voting. Strategic voting is the only way we can ward off a future Liberal government.
Every voter is encouraged to form a network among his family, friends and neighbours in his/her riding to build a strategy to defeat the Liberal candidate. It must be done. It is the only way we can save Canada.
Real Women of Canada for the Family