Ottawa, Ontario                                                                                                October 4, 2018

 Parental Consultations on Ontario Sex Education Curriculum

Dear Friend,

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has announced a parental consultation process to establish a revised sex education curriculum for the province by launching the Ontario Consultation website.

This will shortly be followed by an online survey as well as the scheduling of telephone town halls in every region of the province.

Please submit your views as soon as possible on the sex education curriculum via an online submission form or by email.

To assist you in the consultation, Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) has released talking points on the consultations which are as follows:

Lessons to be Deleted or Changed from Kathleen Wynne’s Controversial Sex Ed Curriculum:

Lessons that are Lacking in the Wynne Curriculum that Should be Addressed by Premier Ford’s Upcoming New Sex Ed:

For additional talking points, you can watch the video by Dr. Miriam Grossman, a professional child psychologist who dissected the Liberal sex curriculum in 2015.  She provides devastating insights on the harm Wynne’s curriculum can cause.

It should be noted that the current sex education curriculum (developed between 1998 and 2014 and implemented in September 2018) still mentions gender identity.  This subject MUST BE TOTALLY DELETED from the curriculum.  Also, the Wynne version of the sex education curriculum is still currently being implemented in Ontario high schools.  This is completely unacceptable.  It must be replaced by a totally new curriculum for high schools.

Please choose the lessons that you believe should be addressed and then, very importantly, submit, in your own words, or copy and paste the CLC content onto the online form (or email).

Critical Participation by Ontario Social Conservatives

It is critical that social conservatives in Ontario actively participate in the consultation process.  The left wing union activists have been actively pushing the Wynne government’s offensive sex education curriculum, assisted by the left wing mainstream media.  The latter do not have a good word either for Premier Ford or a revised sex education curriculum.  The LGBT Community is also actively networking with the teachers’ unions and the school boards to ensure that homosexuals be given priority in any revised curriculum as they were in Wynne’s curriculum.

Please start now with the online submission form and/or the email option.  Then, be ready to jump on whatever telephone town halls are set up in the near future.  The pro-parental rights side of this battle must flood the consultation mechanisms.

The online submission form has a word limit, so if you have not given all the feedback you want to give, use the submission form a second or third time if necessary.

(Note:  if copying CLC’s talking points verbatim, do not paste the link to our documents.  Copy and paste the actual text into your own email, browser window, or Word document).

This consultation process will close December 15, 2018.

We must not lose the opportunity to have our voice heard on this critical issue.  The lives of our children and grandchildren are at stake in the development of a revised sex education curriculum.

For the Family,
REAL Women of Canada