Do Not Euthanize (DNE) Advance Directive

The pro-death euthanasia organization, Dying with Dignity Canada, has spread its pro-death philosophy into hospitals, nursing homes and hospices. As a result, vulnerable patients are being pressured to agree to have their lives terminated under the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) law.

In addition, since euthanasia was legalized in Canada in 2016, initially intended for those patients whose death was imminent from an incurable disease, the “slippery slope” about which many pro-life advocates warned, has indeed shown up. There have been many cases of MAiD being administered for non-terminally ill cases. Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) law is the most permissive euthanasia legislation in the world. There is impending legislation to further expand the eligibility for MAiD, to include the disabled, mental illness and advance directives.

The B.C. Delta Hospice Society (DHS) has retained lawyers to prepare a Do Not Euthanize (DNE) Advance Directive that can be used to deflect the pressure on the patient to be euthanized. These legal directives have been adapted for each individual province. The Society has also recently released a promotional video emphasizing the importance of protecting oneself against attempts to have one’s life terminated unnaturally:

REAL Women of Canada supports the B.C. Delta Hospice Society in their efforts and encourages our supporters to view this excellent video.  We also encourage you to obtain a DNE legal document for your province.  It is available to all members of the Society at no cost.  Membership in the DHS is only $10 a year:  The DNE document can be obtained at: ‘Do Not Euthanize (DNE) Advance Directive – Delta Hospice (  The mailinjg address is: B.C. Delta Hospice Society, 1521-56 Street, Delta, B.C. V4L 2A9.


Yours for the Family

REAL Women of Canada