ALERT! July 5, 2017

Wildrose Party Referendum

Alberta’s Wildrose Party and the province’s Progressive Conservative Party have struck a preliminary merger agreement designed to unify the two parties under a new banner dubbed the United Conservative Party.

Members of both parties must ratify the deal, and should they give their blessing, the UCP will elect a new leader in October, according to the nine-page agreement released. The unification campaign focuses squarely on unseating Premier Rachel Notley. PC Leader Jason Kenney and Wildrose Leader Brian Jean will run to be leader.

Alberta’s Wildrose, Conservatives to merge, will hold leadership convention  Globe and Mail, May 18, 2017



To buy your memberships and for more information, click on the links below:

or phone 1-888-262-1888

The Wildrose Party requires a 75% majority for the unity referendum to pass (compared to 50% +1 for the PC’s) it is critical to vote in the Wildrose Party referendum and the PC merger agreement , to ensure that the pass. Unity is the only way to defeat Rachel Notley’s NDP government.

You can be a member of both the Wildrose party and the PC Alberta party and VOTE at both Special General Meetings (online, by phone, or in person). Everyone 14 years and older can become a member.

The word on the street is that the NDP and the Alberta unions (ATA, CUPE, and a few other strong unions) may be encouraging their members to join the Wildrose and vote “No”. They are very organized so we must be, also. There must be 3 votes for ‘yes’ for every ‘no’ vote. This vote will likely be very close.

Everyone, who believes in restoring the Alberta Advantage for generations to come, needs to get a Wildrose and a PCA party membership this week, (or make sure their party membership hasn’t expired).  United, it is possible to bring an end to the NDP destructive policies such as:.

  •  the diminishing of Parental Rights,
  •  less choice and freedom in Education,
  •  increased destruction of the Economy, and
  • increases in Big Government, Provincial Taxes, and Government Debt