Update! The Conservative Leadership Race – results June 1 2017
REALity Volume XXXV Issue No. 11 November 2016 When the date for the federal Conservative leadership vote was set for May 27, 2017, it seemed that in a twinkle of the eye, the leadership candidates who lined up at the starting line were all left-leaning so-called progressives. They were fiscal conservatives, but not social conservatives.
Many of these leadership candidates marched in the Toronto Gay Pride Parade in July, proudly holding the LGBTory banner that claimed it was on “the right side of history”. They were grinning from ear to ear, chomping at the bit to display their newly found “tolerance” and “acceptance” of the LGBT community (see photograph). These candidates included MP Kellie Leitch (Simcoe-Grey, Ontario), Interim Conservative Leader, Rona Ambrose (Sturgeon River – Parkland, Alberta), MP Michael Chong (Wellington – Halton Hills, Ontario) and MP Maxime Bernier (Beauce, Quebec). Patrick Brown was also present. Brown, as a former MP, had a perfect pro-life/family voting record before he sought and received support from social conservatives when he ran for the Ontario provincial leadership. As soon as he was elected leader, he immediately disassociated himself from them and their values. Patrick Brown has now adopted all the left-wing social policies of the provincial Liberal party established by lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne. As such, Brown can aptly be described as a “Quisling” – so named after the Norwegian traitor, Quisling, who, for his own personal advancement, became a supporter and spokesperson for the Nazi Party when it occupied Norway in World War II. This name describes Brown exactly.
One of the conditions of interim leader, Rona Ambrose’s appointment was that she would not be a candidate in the leadership race. This is fortunate because Ms. Ambrose has supported many liberal policies since becoming interim leader. As a result, she has become the darling of the liberal mainstream media. For example, columnist Tim Powers in The Hill Times (August 3, 2016) congratulated Ambrose for excellent work in “modernizing” the Conservative party. He complimented her for stepping away from the criminalization of marijuana; opposing the party’s support of traditional marriage and marching in the Toronto Gay Pride Parade, etc. Ambrose further endeared herself to the media at the annual Parliamentary Press Gallery dinner on June 4, 2016 when she made disloyal remarks about her former boss, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and made a vulgar sexual comment. The liberal media loved it: they thought, “she is one of us, after all”.
The Good News Arrives
Between Patrick Brown’s quisling act, and the left-wing position of the conservative leadership candidates, things were looking grim for social conservatives. However, the sun suddenly broke through with the announcement by several competent social conservatives that they would be seeking the Conservative leadership. They are: MP Brad Trost (Saskatoon – University), MP Andrew Scheer (Regina — Qu’Appelle) and possibly Pierre Lemieux (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell).
MP Brad Trost is a 42 year old Conservative MP elected for his fifth term in the Liberal landslide of October, 2015. He is a German Baptist Mennonite and a geophysicist by training. He has been outspoken on pro-life and pro-family issues with a 100% voting record on them. He criticized his own party in 2009 for its $400,000 grant to Toronto’s Gay Pride Parade. In 2011 he objected to his government’s funding of International Planned Parenthood. At the May 2016 Conservative Policy Convention, he was an outspoken supporter of the party’s traditional definition of marriage as “the union of one man and one woman”. He says he is not a one-issue candidate, however, as he also has policy positions on many other issues such as the economy and foreign affairs. www.brad4leader.ca
MP Andrew Scheer is a 37 year old Conservative MP, a practising Catholic, the father of five children. (He is 7 years younger than Justin Trudeau). He is fluent in English and French and supports fundamental conservative, pro-life and pro-family values. He was the Speaker in the House of Commons from 2011 to 2015. He recently was Opposition House Leader. He regards himself as an unapologetic Conservative who can unite the party. He did agree to scrap the traditional definition of marriage at the 2016 Policy convention in Vancouver, which left the party with no official position on marriage. His voting record, prior to his appointment as Speaker, was 100% pro-life/family. His explanation for his vote on marriage at the Convention was that it “was more just a recognition of the status quo. It wasn’t the Conservative Party taking a new position on marriage, it was just deleting a clause that in the minds of many had become a little anachronistic”. www.andrewscheer.com
Pierre Lemieux
Mr. Lemieux was a bilingual former Canadian army officer for 20 years, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. He believes in strong families and protecting them from threats and harm. He is a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) and graduate from the Royal Military College and has a Master of Science degree. He is a Project Manager Professional (PMP). Mr. Lemieux was a Member of Parliament for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Ontario for almost 10 years. He was elected as a Conservative MP in 2006, 2008 and again in 2011, and then was defeated in the Liberal wave of October, 2015. He is father of five children and believes in the sanctity of life from conception through to natural death. He is also a strong believer in freedom of religion, speech and association. He has an impeccable pro-life/family voting record. He is considering the possibility of entering the leadership run. Let’s hope he does. www.pierrelemieux.ca
These three outstanding individuals reflect the future of social conservatism in the conservative party. They deserve our support.
Benefit to Social Conservatives
Social Conservatives may benefit from several individuals running for the leadership as the Conservatives are using a ranked ballot where members can vote for their first and second choices. With several conservative candidates signing up supporters, they can back one another and help win the leadership race.
Participation in the Leadership Race by Pro-life/family Canadians
Social conservatives must become involved in voting in the leadership race, and can do so very easily. The only expense involved is the membership fee to become a party member by March 28, 2017 as of 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. To become a member, one must be 14 years of age, a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, and pay the membership fee, complete a membership form and agree to support the principles of the party.
Membership can be obtained online at www.conservative.ca by clicking on “join”. The membership fee is $15.00 per year or $25.00 for two years. If you do not have a computer, ask a member of the party’s Electoral District Association (they used to be called Riding Associations) to give you a form and you can mail it in.
Please purchase your membership now to avoid a mass rush in March.
Voting for the leader will occur in your electoral district on May 27, 2017. It is a “one member, one vote” system, no other party shares this system of voting! The vote will be announced at the CPC Convention to be held on the voting date May 27, 2017.
Since there are several social conservatives running for the Conservative leadership it is up to us to see that one of them is elected party leader. 40% of Conservative Party members are social conservatives. We can and will make a difference in this leadership race! If the pro-homosexual “progressives” mustered 400 delegates at the 2016 policy convention in Vancouver to eliminate the traditional definition of marriage, then surely we can organize and recruit many more on this crucial vote which will determine the future of the Conservative Party. We must become involved by taking out a membership by March 28, 2017 and encourage all our family, friends, neighbours and associates do so as well. The Conservative Party is ours to take if we are diligent.
REALity Volume XXXV Issue No. 11 November 2016