WHEREAS S. 319 of the Criminal Code prohibits hate propaganda, either promoted or incited against some identifiable groups; and
WHEREAS the identifiable groups so protected are limited in S. 319 of the Code to those distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin and sexual orientation, thereby providing special protection to only members of these enumerated groups, but to no other persons; and
WHEREAS the expression “hate propaganda” is not defined in the Criminal Code; and
WHEREAS the expression “hate propaganda” may be subject to political interpretation; and
WHEREAS many faiths, including many Christian denominations, as well as people with no religious beliefs do not accept the current political interpretation of same-sex sexual relationships as legally and socially acceptable; and
WHEREAS “hate propaganda” is prohibited pursuant to S. 319 of the Criminal Code in any public place, defined as any place to which the public has access as a right or by invitation expressed or implied, which definition includes any place other than the privacy of a home, and which definition also extends to churches; and
WHEREAS S. 2 of the Charter of Rights provides that everyone has a right to freedom of conscience, religion and expression; and
WHEREAS those with faith based beliefs or otherwise, who do not accept same-sex legal and social recognition, may be prohibited from upholding their right to freedom of conscience, religion and expression in public places due to the provisions of S. 319 of the Criminal Code.
BE IT RESOLVED that S. 319 of the Criminal Code be deleted from the Criminal Code since it is discriminatory in that it applies only to select enumerated groups, and is contrary to S. 2 of the Charter of Rights.