WHEREAS since some adolescents, some as young as 12 years of age, live on the streets of major Canadian cities and are frequently lonely, frightened and running away from abusive backgrounds, they are vulnerable to the attention of pimps;

AND WHEREAS such adolescents are unable emotionally, psychologically or physically to resist the attentions and control of pimps;

AND WHEREAS if such adolescents, should they continue to remain on the streets under the control of the pimps, may survive for only a limited time and meet early deaths as a result of homicidal acts, drug overdoses, AIDS or suicide;

BE IT RESOLVED that such adolescents be removed from the streets and placed under protective care, away from the pimps, where such adolescents may receive medical and legal support and psychological counselling;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that every Provincial Attorney General be requested to enact legislation similar to the Protection of Children Involved in Prostitution Act enacted by the Province of Alberta in 1999, and the Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation Act tabled by the Ontario Legislature in December 2000, which legislation provides the necessary protection for such adolescents.