There are events taking place right under our noses that mainstream media haven’t mentioned. These facts are very relevant in these turbulent, uncertain times. Unfortunately, we have space to list only some of them at this time.

Sexuality and Adolescence

According to a paper issued by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, dated January 5, 2018, the prevalence of sexual activity by adolescents decreased at an astonishing rate between 2005-2015. This is a positive change among adolescents, not only in the U.S., but also in Canada, the U.K. and Japan, where studies show they are also experiencing this phenomenon. In Japan, for example, the proportion of young adults with no sexual experience has increased in the past two decades, according to a paper published in 2019 by the University of Tokyo Department of Global Health Policy. The paper suggested that this change may be due to unemployment, temporary/part-time employment, and low income. It went on to state, however, that “Further research is needed on the factors contributing to the public health and demographic implications…”

The CDC paper also states that “Understanding underlying causes of these decreases and the prevalence of never having had sexual intercourse can inform strategies to ensure that such decreases continue.”

Extremism of the Governor of California and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

It is interesting to note the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, demanded that all pregnancy centres promote abortion and required health insurance companies to hide from parents medical procedures such as abortion and sex-change operations. He also required religious organizations to cover elective abortions in their healthcare plans. Gavin Newsom is the nephew of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. She promotes abortion up to birth and homosexual rights to have priority over other rights.

Cyberbullying in Children

A study, entitled “Cyberbullying Victimization and Mental Health in Adolescents and the Moderating Role of Family Dinners”, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 2014 168 (1015-1022), indicates that cyberbullying victimization in adolescents can be decreased, surprisingly, by frequent family dinners, when the family informally communicates with each other. These family dinners allow the child to experience his/her vulnerabilities and express them. This helps the child to retain or open his or her curiosity and to learn to express his or her views, while also listening to others. A family having dinner every night is ideal but difficult. It is suggested that the family meeting for dinner once or twice a week would be sufficient.

Crime Statistics

Statistics Canada’s so-called incidents of hate crimes are not actually proven crimes of hate. These statistics are only reports given to the police by individuals who think that a hate crime may have occurred. It doesn’t mean that someone has been found guilty of committing a hate crime or that police have properly investigated the incident. It just means somebody said that something happened that may have been a hate crime and the police jotted it down for the record.

In actual fact, Statistics Canada does not request information on the actual number of complaints laid by police, or the number of convictions and acquittals related to hate crimes. As a result, Canadians have no idea of the actual number of genuine hate crimes committed in Canada.

U.K. Bans Transition to Another Sex by Adolescents Under 18 Years of Age

In April 2020, the U.K. government announced that it will take measures to prevent children under 18 years of age, confused about their sex, from proceeding with sex change attempts. This would protect them from transitioning to another sex, a decision that could tragically affect their future. The U.K. government stated there would be three principles involved in their future legislation:

  1. Those under 18 years of age would be protected from decisions that are irreversible in the future, such as sex transition.
  2. Those over 18 years of age would be able to live their lives as they wish and may continue to transition to another sex.
  3. There will be protection for single-sex spaces, such as locker rooms and washrooms.