REALity  Volume XXXV Issue No. 7  July 2016

Few individuals manage to get through life without problems. The problems are as varied as the individuals themselves, such as financial, health, family, employment, substance abuse, disabilities – the list is endless.

Most individuals try to solve their problems in order to lead a calmer and happier life. Others ignore their problems, hoping that they will just disappear, although, they rarely do.  They just increase in urgency.

It appears that the lifestyle of homosexuals is causing them enormous problems, which they are completely ignoring.

  1. In 2013, Vancouver Coastal Health and the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control reported that levels of syphilis infections in homosexual and bisexual men were the highest they’d been in more than 30 years in the Vancouver area.
  2. In Alberta, cases of gonorrhea among homosexuals last year were up 80% from 2014, while infectious syphilis cases doubled in 2015 from 2014.
  3. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that men who have sex with men face a syphilis infection rate at the highest it’s been since the 1980s, before HIV appeared on the horizon.On its fact sheet the CDC states that there is a “Troubling rise in syphilis infections among men, particularly gay and bisexual men,” . . . the rates of syphilis are increasing at an alarming rate (15.1 percent) in 2014. It went on to say: “while rates have increased among both men and women, men account for more than 90 percent of all primary and secondary syphilis cases. Men who have sex with men (MSM) account for 83 percent of male cases where the sex of the sex partner is known”.  
  4. The UK’s “Public Health England”, in 2015, released a study indicating a sharp increase in syphilis and gonorrhea among gay men. “Syphilis infection can also place a person at increased risk for acquiring or transmitting HIV infection,” it says. “Available surveillance data indicate that an average of half of MSM who have syphilis are also infected with HIV.”

It is most puzzling that homosexuals are ignoring their own grave health problems. Death and destruction haunt their lifestyle, causing sorrow, illness and personal rejection. Yet, there is no concerted attempt to change their behaviour.  

Syphilis, a major killer in the 1800s, declined steadily after the Second World War period and had almost disappeared in Canada by the 1990s. But incidences began to climb again around 2001, with the per-capita rate doubling in 10 years with the number of cases now reaching more than a 3,000 a year in Canada.

At the same time that syphilis has emerged as a significant health problem, doctors are struggling to cope with a shortage of the main drug used to treat this potentially deadly infection.

The Public Health Agency of Canada took the rare step recently of posting guidelines on how to ration the drug, Bicillin, effectively in order to deal with syphilis.

“It is very, very concerning to us to have supply of this drug run out, because we are in a period of resurgence of syphilis in many parts of Canada,” said Dr. Ameeta Singh, an Edmonton infectious-disease specialist and national syphilis expert.

Yet, homosexuals persist in their promiscuous lifestyle, claiming that it is an integral part of who they are. One would think that they would want to at least try to curb their serious health problems by changing their sexual behaviour, especially with the shortage of the drug. But they don’t.

According to Dr. Karen Campbell, Chief Medical Officer of Health in Alberta, social media is helping homosexuals arrange anonymous sexual encounters. As a result, the standard public health procedure of tracking down contacts for preventative purposes cannot be followed. The infection therefore becomes uncontrolled. The sex partners don’t even want to know each other’s names, and can’t be bothered to take precautions during their sex acts. Bath houses and bars are now passé for homosexuals who don’t want to get to know their prospective sex partners. Socializing just delays their objective – the sex act. Drugs and alcohol increase their carelessness while they seek this pleasure.

Homosexuals regard their anonymous sexual encounters as their entitlement and right. Their promiscuous behaviour, according to them, has to be tolerated and accepted by others. In short, it’s not their problem, and society just has to pay for the health consequences of their behaviour. That is, everybody now pays for the homosexual lifestyle.