The trouble with feminists is that they don’t understand women.  Their big mistake is that they treat women as a group that shares their particular perspective and interests. Women, however, just like men, can think for themselves.  They have different life experiences and have differing values, based on their social, educational, religious, cultural and economic backgrounds.  Feminism is only one thread in the multi-coloured fabric that comprises women’s views.

The feminist assumption that women are all similar is an assault on women’s intelligence, integrity and personal dignity.

Because of this misunderstanding, feminists have never put down roots in Canada and instead have remained detached and remote from the lives of most women.  It is a self-evident truth that all women want fairness and equality.  However, the feminist concepts are merely layered onto women, and don’t penetrate their psyche because the concepts do not touch the reality of their lives.

Feminists have been sustained over the years by the “progressive”, left-wing mainstream media which never find fault with their policies.  Their articles on women mostly deal with successful female CEOs and entrepreneurs.  Their only other narrative on women is in regard to those who are “victims”.  Feminists receive enormous funding from the federal government.  For example, Justin Trudeau has poured millions of dollars into feminist causes and their organizations, by way of Parliament’s Status of Women Agency, now renamed Women and Gender Equality (WAGE).  This agency received $31 million in 2014-2015, but under Justin Trudeau, its funding increased to $160 million in the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

Feminists consist of only a relatively small group of elitist women, usually white and well educated, whose objective is power and influence.

Their objective, however, has nothing to do with most women, which would include women in low-paying jobs and minority women who may be employed in Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart or in restaurants, and who are struggling to keep their families fed, housed, and clothed.  They work, not for power and position, but out of necessity.

Most women’s lives are not centered on the fulfillment of their careers, but centre around their children and their families which provide them with happiness and security.  Consequently, most women are on a completely different page than the feminists. They do not want to live their lives on the fast track, or make the sacrifices required to become a CEO.  Their worlds do not connect.

Moreover, most women do not see their lives pitted in a struggle against men as do the feminists, who accuse men of discrimination against them.  Women have fathers, brothers and sons with whom their lives are entwined, and who provide them with support, and meaning and purpose in their lives.  To them, the so-called evils of patriarchy are a farce and meaningless.

Simply put, feminists have failed to reach out to ordinary women, whether in the workforce or in the home.  This is evident by their policies that largely centre around employment.

  • Feminists are keen to get women into the workplace, away from the home where they believe women’s abilities are being wasted. Consequently, feminists enthusiastically endorse abortion so that a child will not interfere with a woman’s life or work.  For the same reason, feminists insist on a national child care plan for children to be looked after by others in order to free up women for employment.  They insist that a woman’s job be kept open after giving birth so that she will be quickly and efficiently integrated back into the labour force.  It is as though nothing has happened to the woman in the meantime. But a baby makes all the difference to a woman’s life. In short, feminists are not interested in family and any responsibilities that interfere with women’s ability to participate in the workplace.
  • Feminists have remained silent about the brutal treatment of women in Afghanistan under the Taliban, where women’s education must stop at Grade Vl, where they cannot appear in public unless accompanied by a male family member, and must remain fully covered, face included, in a burka. Positions of leadership and responsibility are denied to women in that country.
  • Feminists ignored the concerns of women from the developing countries at the UN International Conference of Women in 1995 in Beijing, which was supposed to be all about women worldwide.  Women from the developing countries sought only basic needs, such as clean water, nourishment, medical care, and education.  Instead, the Beijing Plan of Action (drafted by feminists in New York) promoted only Western, feminist values.  For example, the document mentioned nutrition only twice, and only referenced health care as it related to “reproductive health”, a code word for abortion.
  • Feminists remain unmoved by and silent at the exploitation of poor women involved in surrogacy procedures and by sex selection abortions, which have killed millions of female babies in countries such as China and India. There is not a peep about these atrocities against women.

The bottom line is that feminists are focused on themselves and their accession to power and influence. Consequently, they don’t identify with most women.  Their elite leaders prefer to cancel the lives, opinions, needs, and the very existence of women who do not share their advantages. This is why most women do not connect with feminism.