by Austin Ruse.  March 13, 2013.

Dear Friend,

The Church is under attack at the UN this week. Pro-life groups are needed to voice their support.

If your group can support the message below, then send a note to saying “We support the Holy See at the CSW.”

Any group of any denomination or no denomination can sign this note. The more the merrier.

Your group’s signature and those of hundreds of others will be presented at UN headquarters tomorrow morning March 14th at 10 a.m. (EST).

We are presenting this petition at UN headquarters in less than 24 hours. Act now by writing to

Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse
President Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute

“We support the Holy See and her allies at the UN Commission on the Status of Women, especially with regard to:

1. Upholding the inherent right to life for all human beings.

2. Opposing violence against women and girls, from conception to natural death, including abortion, trafficking and domestic violence.

3. Protecting women and girls from sexual exploitation and risky sexual behavior.

4. Defending cultural and religious beliefs which uphold these principles.

At the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the Holy See speaks for us.”
Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute
© Copyright 2012 Permission granted for unlimited use. Credit required.
Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute 211 E 43rd Street Suite 1307           New York, NY 10017