The European Union (EU) is a powerful and influential voice in world affairs. This is especially noticeable at the UN where the EU, along with U.S. President Biden’s delegation and several other Western countries, including Canada, are imperiously insisting that the world adopt their “progressive” values.
They tirelessly press pro-abortion, homosexual, and gender identity policies at every opportunity. The EU has taken a leadership role in this advocacy, emboldened by President Biden’s support. The pro-life/pro-family coalition at the UN, however, has courageously and successfully fought off this pressure – until recently.
The EU and other Western countries finally made a significant breakthrough at the UN General Assembly when the unthinkable happened on September 2, 2022. The General Assembly passed a resolution that included “safe abortions” availability in situations of sexual violence. Never before have abortion rights been included in any UN document. This success was due to the deception and lying of both the EU and the U.S. delegations. They will now use this fateful resolution as a hammer in international law to invoke abortion in all future UN documents.
What is Behind the EU’s Anti-life Actions?
The EU consists of 28 countries that cover much of the European continent. It was formed because many believed that it would bring peace and harmony after centuries of disputes and wars.
When the EU was formed, the policies of the countries involved were based on Christian principles which led to the flourishing of these countries. Tragically, the EU abandoned these Christian principles (with the exception of a few of its individual members, such as Poland, Hungary, and Malta) and has replaced them with secular values.
Abandonment of Christianity
This abandonment of Christianity in Europe occurred mainly because of two recent developments:
- Christianity is regarded by the global progressives as an obstacle to their achieving control over a secular world. Consequently, “progressive”, wealthy organizations such as International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), George Soros’ Open Society, and the Gates Foundation have applied their enormous wealth and influence to target usually Christian-based conservative groups and individuals in Europe, claiming they were harmful to “European values”. As a result, in June 2022, the European Parliament passed a resolution that abortion be accepted as an international human right. The European Parliament also withdrew funding for Hungary, Poland, and Malta when they refused to comply with the homosexual and abortion demands of the EU. Further, the EU has taken Hungary to the European Court of Justice (whose judges have been installed by George Soros) for prohibiting the promotion of LGBT information in its schools. It also has mapped out and stigmatized all European pro-life/family organizations and individuals, in a type of “black list” to serve as a device to exclude them from European political life due to their being “dangerous for democracy”.
- Demography is the engine of cultural change, and Christianity in Europe has been overtaken by Islam. This is evidenced by the fact that Christian churches – Protestant and Catholic – are rapidly disappearing and on the verge of collapse, compared to the huge growth in the number of mosques throughout Europe. Simply put, the void being left by the Christian departure is being filled by Islam.
There is a complacency on the part of European political elites to respond because of electoral calculations and because it is part of their progressive ideology. Therefore, they are turning their backs on Europe’s historical Christian culture. Islam is now the most prominent religion in France, Germany, Austria, Spain, and Belgium.
The Future of the EU
There is solid reason to believe that the European Union may collapse in the near future due to the growing economic crisis. This has been caused by an energy crisis, which accelerated with the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, followed by Western sanctions placed against Russia, which, in turn, led Russia to cut off its gas supply to energy-dependent Europe. This created high energy prices leading to European energy intensive manufacturers, such as steel and aluminum, closing down. It is expected that in the coming winter months, electricity in Europe will be rationed and unavailable for several hours each day in order to conserve the decreased supply. Alternative sources of energy are not available because of the short-sighted “green revolution”, which politicians have used to cut off fossil fuel energy sources in Europe. Canada has vast stores of oil and gas, but the Liberal government policies have made them inaccessible to Europe. An economic depression in Europe is expected to bring down the banking system.
The future of the European Union is not hopeful because of these recent developments. Ironically, it is the Islamic countries at the UN that have been the most stalwart in maintaining pro-family and pro-life policies. It is significant, however, that the EU will likely no longer be able to speak as a unified voice, and this is a positive change for life and family values.