by Susan Martinuk.  June 6,2014.

Somewhere between world leaders jetting to D-Day celebrations and a lunatic going on a shooting spree in Moncton, Justice Minister Peter MacKay released his government’s proposed legislation to govern prostitution. Obviously, proper media coverage and discussion was instantly dwarfed by more pressing matters.

The proposed laws are grounded on the known fact that most sex workers are not there by choice and by the principle that society has an obligation to protect both its members and its communities. This is reflected in the title of Bill C-36, The Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act.

The laws target those who purchase sexual services with fines and jail sentences. Punishments are particularly stiff if they involve a prostitute under the age of 18. Advertising sexual services is also prohibited, as is the selling of services in a public place where children may be present. It criminalizes those who benefit financially from exploiting prostitutes and provides $20 million to fund programs that help sex workers to get out of the sex trade.

The proposed laws are a response to the December 2013 Supreme Court of Canada ruling that essentially struck down the nation’s prostitution laws. The legal challenge was initiated by three current/former sex workers who claimed that the law failed to provide for the safety and security of sex workers, and was therefore a violation of their Charter rights.

The Court agreed. Apparently it is the duty of the state to protect those who conduct illegal business in the shady part of town with unscrupulous — and perhaps even dangerous — clients.

If so, how are we going to do it? This is the crux of the prostitution issue, the point at which both sides in the debate agree — and disagree.

Everyone agrees that street prostitution is a risky business and everyone says they want to protect them from violence and get them off the street. This is where the agreement ends.

Those who wish to decriminalize prostitution and legalize brothels and the public sale of sex claim this is the only way to protect prostitutes in a post-Robert Pickton world. For some, it truly is an issue of safety. For others, it’s individual liberty and the notion that we should all have the right to buy or sell sex as we please (the ol’ ‘state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation’ argument).

But many who support legalization have a vested interest in ramping up the sex trade. They want to get the women off the street and into a brothel where they will still be sex slaves, but safer sex slaves.

For example, Terri-Jean Bedford, one of the three sex workers who launched the legal challenge, is the former owner/operator of a ‘bawdy house’ that was shut down after a police raid. She has fought for the right to sell sexual services ever since. So it’s somewhat disingenuous for her to claim her goal is to protect street workers when she has — and wants to again — operate a brothel that makes money by selling their bodies.

MacKay’s proposal to target those who would gain financially by selling others for sexual acts would obviously interfere with Bedford’s grand plans.

On the other side of the debate, is a desire to protect these women by getting them out of a dangerous, unhealthy trade, off drugs if necessary and give them training and skills to function in mainstream society. For those purposes, the proposed bill offers $20 million.

We all agree that the laws should protect vulnerable prostitutes. But that isn’t enough. They should also reflect the principles that are foundational to a civilized society — that prostitutes are human beings who should not be bought or sold, and Canadian laws should not in any way enable those who oppress them and strip them of their dignity.

Source: Calgary Herald