October 8, 2015
Please take time this weekend to participate in the online Issue Book at the “The External Panel on Options for a Legislative Response to Carter v. Canada”.

This will take about 30 minutes to complete and will be your opportunity to read about the issues in very clear language and offer your opinion. At the end of the submission there is a box where you can make a comment and we would encourage you to use that place to “request that the government invoke the notwithstanding clause on the Supreme Courts’ decision”.

The submission is anonymous.

REAL Women of Canada’s September’s REALity newsletter featured a summary of the issue and you can read the article at this link Panel Appointed to Study Assisted Suicide – REALity

Extension of Time to Complete the Online Issue Book:

The External Panel on Options for a Legislative Response to Carter v. Canada has extended the consultation period for its national online Issue Book until November 1, 2015. This will allow additional time for the greatest number of Canadians, representing a broad range of views, to be heard on this important issue.

The deadline for formal submissions (200-500 words), however, remains this Sunday October 11, 2015. Both consultations can be accessed online here:

  1. Complete our Online “Issue Book“. Learn more about voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide as well as palliative care, and consider key perspectives and issues, as you provide your input to the Panel through this comprehensive questionnaire. Deadline November 1, 2015
  2. Send a Formal Submission. Individuals and Organizations are invited to prepare and send submissions (200-500 words) for the Panel to review. Submissions should focus on issues outlined in section 3.2 of the Panel’s found here Terms of Reference. Deadline Sunday October 11, 2015

For more information on the Panel and its work, please visit: www.externalpanel.ca

It is crucial that Canadians be involved with this decision which harms vulnerable persons and will negatively impact our society.

To read REAL Women of Canada’s submission of October 8th 2015 click here