Ottawa, Ontario                                                               October 1, 2019


Media Release

National Election Debate: A Waste of Time (Update)

Canadians need not waste their time watching the Canadian national election debate organized by the Leaders’ Debate Commission. The results are a foregone conclusion. To put it bluntly, the Commission has been gamed in favour of the Liberal party. This is not surprising, since the Trudeau government unilaterally created the Commission without consultation with the other political parties, set the criteria, and named the lead Commissioner. The Commissioner’s recent decision to include the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) in the debate, whatever you may think of the appropriateness of this, appears to favour the Liberal Party since a PPC candidate is likely to split the conservative vote in Trudeau’s favour. Further, the Commission has limited the debates to two only, based on language. This also assists the Liberals by limiting the questions about recent Liberal debacles, such as SNC-Lavalin, the Vice-Admiral Norman case, and the recent disclosures of Trudeau’s blackface appearances.

Significantly, five moderators selected for the English language debate are all women.  Three of the five reside in Ottawa, one is from Toronto, with only one from Vancouver. No one from the Atlantic Provinces, the Prairies, or the North, breaks up this female monopoly.  People from different regions have different perspectives and their concerns will unlikely be heard since only those from the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal axis will be asking the questions.  The nuanced differences in opinion among the regions, for example, about climate control, or the economy are complex and require considerable background knowledge and understanding.

Eastern Elites Run the Show

The Commissions choice of an exclusively female panel of moderators should not come as a surprise.  The head of the Leaders’ Debate Commission, appointed by the Trudeau government, is David Johnston, who is the personification of eastern liberal elites, as a former Governor General, and former president of a university.

Under the mandate for the Commission, Mr. Johnston selected his seven member Advisory Committee, who predictably, with one exception (Deborah Grey, former Reform / Alliance MP from BC) are movers and shakers from the centre of the universe, ie Eastern Canada.  The other members of this politically correct panel of eastern elites includes a left-leaning university professor, a left-wing progressive activist, two environmentalists (one indigenous, and the other a former NDP MP), a former Liberal cabinet member, and a Court of Appeal judge from Quebec.

Canadian female journalists are from the liberal world of journalism, and are part of the push for feminism so ardently advocated by Trudeau.  Women who are not feminist are excluded from this “national” debate.   Most women (non-elite women such as waitresses, hotel-cleaners, sales clerks, office workers, full-time mothers, and immigrant women such as nannies) do not live in or understand the posh world of the professional feminist. They have quite different interests and concerns.

These female moderators will be lobbing soft-ball and protective questions at the Prime Minister.
Their questions will be designed to illuminate Trudeau’s “sensitivity” and “concerns” for minorities, diversity, and for women (except maybe those women who don’t do as they are told, such as Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould, and The Honourable Jane Philpott).

This national ‘debate’ is designed by Liberals to promote the Liberal Party.

Political correctness has gone berserk with this Commission.  Canadians surely have better things to do than watch the elites at work, assisting us to cast our vote for supposedly enlightened, progressive leaders, such as Trudeau.


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For further information contact:

Gwendolyn Landolt                                                       Diane Watts

National Vice-President and Legal Counsel             Researcher
REAL Women of Canada                                              REAL Women of Canada
(905) 787-0348                                                               (613) 236-4001
Fax: (905) 731-5425                                                       Email: