Ottawa, ON                                                                                         July 13, 2022

Misinformation by Foreign Funded Pro-Abortion Group Denounced

As a Canadian women’s organization, we object to the misinformation spread by pro-abortion extremists like Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR), for years headed by a man, who receive millions of dollars from the wealthy U.S. Ford Foundation.  ACSHR also received federal funding worth $4.5 million since 2017.

There is no right to abortion in Canada as they repeatedly claim, there simply is no law. And who are they, with foreign funding, to speak for Canadian women?

These well funded groups are pressuring Prime Minister Trudeau to end charitable status for pregnancy centres, where expectant mothers without other support can obtain help to bring their child to term and care for the baby.

Attempting to remove this choice for women, thus channeling them into the wealthy abortion industry, is reprehensible and displays a dangerous totalitarian bent which is becoming only too common in Canada today. This attempt to stamp out other voices on the abortion issue is contemptible.




ACSHR has received $3.35 million from the Ford Foundation since 2006, some years receiving $500 thousand or more.


For further information contact:

Cathy Smith, Board Member

REAL Women of Canada

