The Liberal Party elites have decided that Mark Carney will be crowned Liberal leader on March 9, 2025.  This is evidenced by the fact that all but five of Trudeau’s 35-member cabinet, and most of the caucus, have dutifully endorsed Carney as the new leader.

The Liberal elites are promoting Carney as an “outsider” to the party, whereas he has had a long history within the Liberal party, advising on economic matters.  As part of the Liberal strategy, they are creating an image of Carney as a wizard who has the ability to fix Canada’s economic problems and deal competently with U.S. President Donald Trump’s tariff threats.  It is magical thinking that Carney will be the saviour of Canada.  It is, however, this image of Carney that the Liberals are projecting in the hope that Canadians will be swayed by it and sweep him into power, possibly in a forthcoming federal election.  The purpose of such a surprise election is to avoid the uncertainty of an expected non-confidence vote when Parliament reopens.  Also, it is hoped that during the frenzy of a federal election campaign the public will forget Carney’s past.

Carney’s background, however, raises grave questions about his being the next Liberal Prime Minister.  Carney is a cold-hearted technocrat, who has made no secret of the fact that he intends to accelerate the Trudeau economic policies that have damaged this country.

During a campaign stop in Kelowna, BC, on February 12, 2025, Carney told his audience “Something that my government is going to do is use all the powers of the federal government, including the emergency powers of the federal government, to accelerate the major projects we need in order to build this economy and take on the Americans.”

What kind of projects did Carney think he needed for this purpose?  He responded by stating, “We will speed up approvals of clean energy projects.”  Carney, like Trudeau, is obsessed with climate change.  In his 2021 book, “Values”, Carney used the fairy tales surrounding climate change to go after the oil and gas industry.  He realizes that the carbon tax on individuals is an unpopular approach to obtain his climate change objectives, so he plans to go after large companies to impose emission caps and pollution taxes on them.  These taxes, of course, will be passed on to consumers.  Carney will use the American President, Donald Trump, as a pretext to impose the Emergencies Act, to further his own World Economic Forum (WEF) – Davos agenda.  Indeed, even in the absence of Trump’s challenge, Carney will use the hype and manipulation on climate change as fodder to implement his command-and-control economic policies.  The civil rights of Canadians will be eroded as occurred under Trudeau, when he invoked the Emergencies Act and passed laws to which the public did not consent.

The Liberal operatives are hoping that its false image of Carney will capture the Canadian voter and sweep him into power as occurred in 2015 with Trudeau. Canadians were betrayed by Trudeau, and all signs indicate that Carney will likewise betray us to satisfy his own obsessions with climate change.


For further information contact:

Pauline Guzik

National President

REAL Women of Canada


Cathy Smith

Western Canada Board Member

REAL Women of Canada





