REALity Volume XXXV Issue No. 9 September 2016
By: Cathy Smith
Medicine Hat, Alberta
REAL Women Board Member
As REAL Women we believe the family is the ideal model to nurture the young, protect the vulnerable and care for the elderly. That being said, we see the current Liberal government trying to undermine that ideal. We need political leaders who stand up for the family.
The question facing us: How can the vulnerable and the elderly be protected when there is a law in Canada that makes assisted suicide legal? How can we protect the unborn when there is NO LAW in Canada?
We must become involved in the political process by taking every advantage to elect persons who will support the family and who will provide dignity and protection for all human life.
It is important, therefore, at the local level, to become involved in nominations of candidates for the party to which you are attracted; which holds your values.
An opportunity for involvement in choosing the next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada will occur on May 27, 2017, in your electoral district. This individual will replace Stephen Harper, who has stepped down as leader.
In order to be involved you must have a membership in the Conservative Party of Canada by March 28, 2017 as of 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
To become a member you must be 14 years of age, a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, and pay your membership fee and complete a membership form and support the principles of the Party.
You can purchase a membership on line at and click “join”. The membership fee is $15.00 per year or $25.00 for two years. If you do not have a computer ask a member of the party’s Electoral District Association (they used to be called Riding Associations) to give you a form and you can mail it in.
I encourage you to purchase a membership now to avoid a mass rush in March.
Voting for the leader will occur in your electoral district on May 27, 2017. It is a “one member, one vote “system which I am proud to say came on a resolution from Medicine Hat, and I was the mover of that motion at the convention in Hull, Quebec. No other party has such a system!
If you want to be directly involved in choosing the next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, this is your chance.
Voting will be by single secret ballot on which the member will indicate his or her preferred candidates by ranking the choices. Voting details are being finalized.
If you want changes, to keep this country of Canada strong and free, this is your opportunity. A strong leader with strong principles is our ideal. The freedoms of average Canadians and rights of parents are threatened at the present time. Please help to reverse this trend.