It is better to be dead than to be born alive and unwanted. This is a prominent theme of those who favour abortion.

Our Prime Minister celebrates Canada as a country where there is no law prohibiting a woman from having an abortion at any time during her pregnancy.

Our Prime Minister suggests that an unborn child has no rights in law. He is wrong. When administering an estate one must advise the court if there is an unborn person who may be entitled to an interest in the estate. If so, the Office of the Children’s Lawyer is informed. As well under the Ontario Land Titles Act a person yet unborn is entitled to have a court determine the scope of its interest in land. Imagine that – a right to inherit where there is claimed to be no right to life!

Women want control over their own bodies. They have endless measures to aid them in their control. The child in the womb is a body separate and apart from the woman’s body. Even its blood type may differ from the mother’s. Does one not notice that fifty per cent are male? Don’t we use diagnostic imagery to see with our own eyes if it’s a boy or a girl? Does one not notice that, if left intact, the child leaves the mother’s body?

In our society there is no taboo attached to promiscuity. There remains a taboo attached to being caught with an unwanted pregnancy. That’s probably a good part of the reason that, according to Statistics Canada, there were approximately 74,155 abortions in Canada in 2020 alone. No wonder there are labour shortages and high immigration rates.

The woman with an unplanned pregnancy wishes to avoid the shame, displeasure or discomfort associated with it. She finds herself languishing alone, often poor, in circumstances that leave her unequipped to handle the situation and with virtually no support from her society. We only know the number of women who choose to abort. We don’t know the number who choose to make the sacrifices necessary for carrying the child to term. Could one be our own mother? We don’t celebrate the miracle of life but prefer to immortalize a right to abort – a right that exists nowhere in our law.

We say to a woman – to be a success you must be prepared to end the life of your child – imagine saying that to a man! When ending the life of an unborn person could it be that of another Dr. Banting or Best?

Don’t cloud the conversation with rape and incest. These are topics that require their own discussion.

The media when dealing with this topic suffers from a stutter. One is always referred to as anti-abortion – never as pro-life.

If being unwanted is a criteria for abortion the older generation ought to be wary. Becoming aged and unwanted they may be manipulated into using MAiD.