Homosexual activists have acquired power and influence to control our national agenda. This is the result of Prime Minister Trudeau providing enormous grants to the major homosexual organization, EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere). EGALE effectively hit the gravy train when Trudeau became Prime Minister, receiving $100 million in taxpayers’ money since 2017. In addition, despite its political activity, EGALE has been granted charitable status, which has led to generous donations from corporations and foundations. It is this wealth that has enabled EGALE to build an underground structure to intrude itself into many institutions across Canada and into the lives of Canadians. It has done so by employing a large staff to carry out its work so that it now has become an industry in itself operating within Canada and abroad.

From 2017 to 2019, well over 50% of EGALE’s expenses were spent on salaries and benefits. In pandemic year 2020, this shot up to 75%, decreasing gradually to 67% in 2022.

EGALE’s government funding started at $887,000 in 2015 when Trudeau became prime minister and reached $3.1 million in 2022: 81% of this being federal funds and 19% provincial funds.


EGALE was founded in 1986 with a mission statement: to improve the lives of LGBTQ people in Canada and to enhance the global response to their issues.

In a presentation to the House of Commons Subcommittee in April 2005, EGALE described itself as a “national organization committed to advancing equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-identified people, and their families, across Canada.”

However, EGALE’s mission changed in 2007 when it hired Helen Kennedy as its executive director. Ms Kennedy is a political activist who served as city councilor in the Toronto East York community from 1988-1991 before it was amalgamated into the city of Toronto. In 1999, Ms. Kennedy worked for NDP MP Olivia Chow, who is now the mayor of Toronto. She announced when she was hired by EGALE that she believed the rights of trans people was the “next battle”. She stated, “I’m sure one of the issues will be sex reassignment surgery”. Under her leadership, that surgery has become its major undertaking. In fact, it is this issue that has become a goldmine for the organization both financially and politically.

EGALE’s intimate relationship with the federal government was evident in its 2020 annual report when it stated,. . . the organization met with government officials across federal departments, including closed-door meetings with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau”. The new focus on transgender issues was evidenced in June 2009, when EGALE held its first big gala in Toronto’s exclusive King Edward Hotel which many MPs attended. The keynote speaker was then MP Justin Trudeau. Another gala was held in May of 2018 where the now Prime Minister Trudeau was presented with EGALE’s leadership award for his “significant contributions towards advancing LGBTQI2S equality for Canadians.” The award was presented to Trudeau by Toronto Dominion (TD) Bank’s chief executive officer, Bharat Masrani.

EGALE’s funding comes directly from many federal government departments and agencies. These include the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, the Department for Women and Gender Equality (WAGE), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canadian Heritage, the Department of Justice Canada, Public Safety Canada, Employment and Social Development Canada, and the federal left wing health funding agency, the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR).

Hundreds of EGALE Donors Listed

Hundreds of corporate and foundation donors are listed in EGALE’s flashy Annual Reports, available at https://egale.ca/about/annual-report/ This

financial support enables the disastrous trans ideology to be implemented via sex-reassignment, including pharmaceutical and surgical mutilation and sterilization provided to confused and often mentally challenged teens.

Millions of dollars have also been provided to EGALE with donations from the Slaight Family Foundation, City of Toronto, Clark Family Foundation, Martha LA McCain, and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Regular multi-year donors in the $400 thousand plus range have been received from the Ontario Ministry of Education and the federal Public Health Agency of Canada.

Lists of donors going back to 2016 include the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Toronto Dominion Bank, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), the Bank of Montreal (BMO), the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), Staples, Labatt, Gattuso, Giant Tiger, Holt Renfrew, The World Bank, and more.

EGALE’s Domestic Policies

With this massive funding and in order to change Canadian values, laws, and culture, EGALE has been able to embed itself into many Canadian institutions, such as schools, social services, and youth outreach groups. EGALE’s long tentacles have been noticeable in the following four main areas:

1. The School System

EGALE is very interested in influencing the next generation for its own future survival. This has led to it promoting its ideology in our schools. It has undertaken numerous activities in the school system which are directly affecting school subjects, such as Health and Physical Education, Canadian and World Studies, Math, Art, and English. EGALE provides tool kits on 2SLGBTQI issues to be included in the curriculum for grades 7-12. To further this undertaking in the schools, EGALE has released a four-step guide to assist: (1) 2SLGBTQI students, (2) parents/guardians, and (3) educators to support “empowerment, resilience, and self-advocacy in the school community and beyond.” According to its 2018 annual report, EGALE produced a Safer and Accepting Schools Program, which had provided “inclusivity training” for more than 10,000 educators over the three previous years. In 2018 alone, EGALE’s Workplaces Training involved 23 organizations which reached more than 2,200 students in post-secondary institutions. Throughout 2022, EGALE continued its education and workplace training programs, delivering Inclusive Schools Workshops to 30 Ontario public and Catholic school boards and Inclusive Workplaces programs to 60 public and private organizations across Canada.

From 2018 onwards, EGALE has received funding to participate in Day Treatment Section 23 Classrooms, which provide therapeutic and educational programs to students with mental health challenges, behavioural difficulties, anxiety, phobias, or depression. Such students may be in foster care and/or treatment, custody, or correctional facilities. This program is directed by Ontario school boards: https://weblink.ocdsb.ca/WebLink/DocView.aspx?dbid=0&id=3039649&page=1&cr=1

EGALE provides posters for schools which promote crucial visibility for 2SLGBTQI individuals, allegedly helping to combat stereotypes and stigma while fostering “a greater sense of belonging and self-worth among 2SLGBTQI students”. EGALE further provides webinars for educators to help students understand the unique experience and challenges faced by trans and non-binary students. This resource is designed to bring critical learning and conversations about trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse identities, expressions, and experiences into school communities.

Education is a matter of provincial jurisdiction. Why have the provinces permitted EGALE to infiltrate their programming? Is it due to EGALE’s money that has prepared ready-made materials or are the provincial Departments of Education controlled by woke, left wing extremists?

Whatever the reason, children are being used as tools to train future generations to accept and promote the LGBT ideology and practices. In doing so, the taxpayers’ money and also their children are being used to secure the future of the LGBT agenda in Canada.

2. Legal

EGALE’s website describes the Canadian Justice system as a colonial creation that is inherently oppressive, that upholds an unjust system to provide an inequitable power structure of white supremacy and patriarchy.

Based on this ludicrous assumption and armed with taxpayers’ money, EGALE has launched many legal challenges over the years. These legal challenges deal with such issues as the supposed “hate” against homosexuals. According to homosexuals, anyone who objects to their agenda is “hateful”. For example, EGALE intervened in the Jordan Peterson case with the College of Psychologists of Ontario, which claimed that Dr. Peterson’s public statements about the LGBT agenda were “hateful”. If the Online Harms Act is passed (Bill C-63), which permits complaints from individuals and organization to be heard by the kangaroo court, the Human Rights Tribunal, EGALE will be busy laying such complaints against any utterance that doesn’t support its agenda. In 2021, in Ontario courts, EGALE argued in favour of genital surgery for minors. It also launched cases on “the right to gender diversity” against the New Brunswick and Saskatchewan governments, and the York Ontario School Board that they provide transgender direction to minors without parental consent. EGALE also brought litigation before Quebec courts in two cases: it argued against the recognition of only two parents of a child, positing that many children have more than two parents, who are in non-traditional, LGBT relationships.  EGALE’s legal interventions also contributed to the legalization of same- sex marriage in Canada.

In short, case by case, EGALE is methodically pushing the justice system to accept its ideology by silencing the public’s right to freedom of conscience and opinion.

Further, funded by the Department of Justice, EGALE has established a national training program for legal clinics, which are used to expand LGBT legal rights. It has a website specially designed to assist homosexual and trans individuals to bring forward court challenges.

3. Sports

EGALE has partnered with the Canadian Olympic Committee and the Canadian organization, “You Can Play Inc”, which works to ensure “safety and inclusion” for LGBT athletes, coaches, and fans. The purpose  is also to force women’s sports to be overtaken by males who claim to be females. By working together with “You Can Play” and the Olympic Committee, EGALE is promoting the inclusion of sexual orientation and/or gender identity in sports. EGALE also provides education, resources, events, and programs for athletes, staff, coaches, leagues, and organizations to include the trans ideology in their activities.

4. EGALE’s International Projects

In February 2019, the federal government announced a new LGBTQQI International Assistance Program. This program consists of $30 million in dedicated funding over five years and $10 million every year after to fund claims promoting “human rights” and improve socio-economic outcomes for LGBTQ2I people in developing countries. EGALE has been actively pushing this program for Trudeau at the UN.

Partnered by EGALE, The Equal Rights Coalition at the UN is the LGBT core group, which is an informal, cross-regional group of UN member states. Its main goal is to work within the UN framework to ensure universal respect for the human “rights and fundamental freedoms” of LGBTI people.

Trudeau and EGALE are also promoting this LGBTQ2I human rights policy in a number of other forums, such as the Organization of American States (OAS), and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. In fact, Canada was a founding and active member of the OAS LGBTI Core Group. Similar to the UN group, it is an informal policy-coordination group of states whose purpose is to advance the LGBTI human rights agenda at the OAS.

In June 2022, REAL Women, which is a member of the OAS Civil Society, participated in an online OAS session, chaired and controlled by EGALE. Of course, the session was dominated by LGBT preoccupations.

Finally, EGALE is part of the Canadian “Dignity Network” which is a key hub of communications and networking for LGBTQ+ organizations, both in Canada and globally, to further advance the LGBTQ2I agenda.

Trudeau’s LGBTQ2I Scam

It is important that people be informed about the scam Trudeau is perpetrating along with EGALE, in order to transform both Canada and the developing world into their own twisted vision. Trudeau’s financial investment in EGALE and its deviant policies has deprived Canadians of vast sums of money which should rightly have been directed to the promotion of genuine human rights and the many other needs of Canadian citizens. Instead, money is being poured into the treasury of a minority group whose agenda is undermining the values and laws of this country. According to Statistics Canada, in 2021 and 2022, homosexuals made up only 4% of the population over 15 years of age.  The transgendered group consists of only 0.18% of the population over 15. The non-binary are only 0.13% of the population. This misdirection of taxpayers’ money to only a handful of the population has been accomplished by the strategic linking of homosexual and transgender demands as being a part of the human rights campaign. However, the LGBTQ population is a minuscule, special interest group that has found favour and approval with Trudeau’s elitist, woke government. Their demand for “rights” is not included in genuine human rights as set out in the internationally accepted Declaration of Human Rights. Trudeau is controlling the country without concern for the beliefs or wishes of the general population or the international recognition of human rights. The LGBT community is being promoted and encouraged by an unstable prime minister. It should not have advantages and privileges that others are denied, since their privileges are not universally accepted and will never be.