Society seems to have focused on one main issue regarding women – namely, sexual abuse.  It is a serious problem, but there are also other areas detrimentally affecting women, about which there seems to be little discussion.  Examples of this are as follows:

1. Surrogacy – The Rent-a-Womb Industry

The rent-a-womb industry (surrogacy), is a huge, profitable, world-wide industry.

According to Global Markets Insights Inc., which is a global market research and management consulting company, surrogacy is forecast to increase by 32.6% by the year 2027, when it will be worth $33.9 billion dollars.

The surrogacy industry is poorly regulated, with medical clinics using unregulated technology. The procedure has led to the exploitation of poor women in third world countries, who carry the children for minimal financial payments, usually for servicing infertile couples and same-sex couples from the West.

Many of these poor women are used repeatedly for relatively little pay but creating huge profits for the clinic owners and operators. Women are also being trafficked for this purpose. The commercial surrogacy industry occurs in Nepal, Cambodia, Mexico, Colombia, Nigeria, Ukraine, the Republic of Georgia, Kenya, and Ghana. Many countries have outlawed this procedure. Not Canada, however, which allows foreign nationals to take advantage of our health care system. If complications occur during the pregnancy or after birth, the Canadians taxpayers covers the cost under our medical system, amounting to many millions of dollars.

2. The Elimination of Females by Sex Selective Abortion

A study, released on August 2nd, 2021, reported in the British Medical Journal Global Health, the number of females eliminated by abortion or otherwise killed by failing to provide them with adequate health care and nutrition, is expected to rise by 4.7 million by the year 2030. 50% and 43% of these deaths of females will occur in China and India, respectively. A further 17 countries, predominantly in Sub-Sahara Africa, are also at risk of developing a serious sex imbalance due to the reduction of female births. This leads to a “marriage squeeze” caused by a lack of women and triggers elevated levels of antisocial behaviour and violence. China has already experienced this because of the 30 million “extra” males now residing in that country. China’s one child policy favours the birth of males. Due to the lack of women, increased kidnapping of females and prostitution have greatly increased in China.

3. Billions Raised to Impose Western Culture on African and other Third World Countries

Western countries have been frustrated at the UN from imposing their “values” of abortion and homosexuality on Third World countries. This is because the UN procedure requires a consensus in reaching decisions. This permits pro-life and pro-family countries to override the anti-life/family policies of the West.

To offset this, the feminist agency at the UN, called UN-Women, together with the governments of Mexico and France, organized their own conference, called the Generation Equality Forum, held in Paris, June 30th to July 2nd, 2021. Pro-life NGO’s and individuals were excluded from this meeting. Representatives from wealthy Western countries, together with multi-national corporations present, raised US $40 billion dollars in new funding for so called women’s “gender equality”. This term, however, does not mean equal opportunity for men and women. It actually means, in UN terms, the acceptance of Western cultural norms, including extremist sex education for school children and the promotion of contraception, abortion, and homosexuality. The Conference, of course, marketed itself by claiming it only wanted to empower women. In fact, the conference was a method of providing a state of ‘enlightened” Western values on the developing world, especially when it comes to issues of sexuality.  However, There are many countries in the world, such as in Africa, that have a strong culture of life and their priority is to reduce maternal mortality, rather than to deliberately kill unborn children, which is especially repugnant to them.

The imposing of an offensive Western culture by way of offering money to Third World countries, is in fact, a form of ideological colonialism. This is because these grants are most frequently made with the condition that Third World countries make societal changes by adopting offensive Western values. Due to their desperate financial needs, many countries are compelled to acquiesce to the demands of these donors.

Some of the top pledges to the fund made at this conferences includes US $10 billion from Procter and Gamble, $2.1 billion from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,  $420 million from the pro-abortion Ford Foundation, US $100 million from the US corporation PayPal, and $100 million from the Soros Open Society Foundations. In addition, the US contributed $1.0 billion to the fund and Canada contributed $100 million.