Frequently Asked Questions

If there are any questions that are not included in our FAQ’s that you would like to see answered, please e-mail our Ottawa office with your suggestions.

To find your federal MP and their contact information, go to and type your postal code into the search bar.

Provincial/Territorial Representatives:

Alberta – Go to and type your address into the search bar.

British Colombia – Go to and type your postal code into the search bar

Manitoba – Go to If you do not know your electoral division, click the tab marked “By Street Address” and enter your address.

New Brunswick – Go to Enter your address. Find the search result that matches your information and click Information at the beginning of the entry.

Newfoundland and Labrador – Go to Enter your address. Find the entry that matches your street and community. Click the name of the MHA to view his or her contact information.

Northwest Territories – Go to and find the MLA for your electoral district. Click the picture of your MLA for contact information. If you do not know your electoral region, check the map here:

Nova Scotia – Go to and search for your electoral district. If you do not know your electoral district, go to and enter your address.

Nunavut – Go to and find your constituency. Click the picture of the MLA for their contact information. If you do not know your constituency, click the map button at the top of the page.

Ontario – Go to and enter your postal code. Click on the name of your MPP for their contact information.

Prince Edward Island – Go to and enter your constituency into the search bar. Click on your MLA to view their information. If you do not know your constituency, go to and enter your address.

Quebec – Go to and use the advanced search to enter your electoral division. Click the name of your MNA and select the contact tab. If you do not know your electoral division, go to and enter your postal code and civic number.

Saskatchewan – Go to and enter your street address or select a point on the map. Click the link to your MLA’s information below their name.

Yukon – Go to and search for your electoral district. Click your MLA to see their contact information. If you do not know your electoral district, go to and find your address on one of the maps.

The most effective way of reaching a member of the federal or your provincial government is to send a mailed, personalized letter. If you send a letter to a federal MP’s House of Commons address, no postage is required. Include your address at the top of the letter and mention that you are a constituent. If you cannot mail a letter, phone calls are the next most effective means of contact.

Yearly membership fees for the following calendar year are due in January of each year for everyone.

A membership costs $30 for individuals and families and $50 for groups.

As part of a respected women’s organization upholding and promoting the family of mother, father, and children, you will become informed about important political and social issues, learn how to participate in our country’s decision-making process, receive a copy of REALity, REAL Women’s monthly and bimonthly newsletter, and have a vote on motions at members’ meetings.

We do not provide legal assistance nor do we offer referrals or recommendations for legal assistance.

We decide topics for REALity based on current affairs in the Canadian political scene and on global trending issues. Articles are written based on research from trusted sources. We do not conduct investigative journalism, interviews, or independent research.

No, you do not need a PayPal account. Credit card payments are accepted. PayPal processes the credit card payment, but does not take a percentage. See below for instructions to donate or become a member without a PayPal account.

To donate without a PayPal account: There are 4 options

Option 1:

  1. On the Donate page, click the Donate button on REAL Women’s website.
  2. Enter the amount you wish to donate.
  3. Click Donate with a Debit or Credit Card.
  4. Enter your payment information and click Donate Now.

Option 2:

Make a donation through our WonderWe crowdfunding site.

The WonderWe platform does not use PayPal.  You can also choose to make a recurring donation such as weekly, monthly.  A credit card is required.

Option 3:

Make a donation using an Interac e-transfer. Our E-mail address for this purpose is:

Option 4:

Mail a cheque, payable to REAL Women of Canada, to :

REAL Women of Canada
Box 8813    Station T
Ottawa, ON   K1G 3J1

To become a member without a PayPal account:

  1. On the Become a Member/Renew page, select the type of membership you want to buy and the type of newsletter you would like to receive; either print (mailed hard copy) or electronic (email). Click Buy Now.
  2. Click Checkout as Guest.
  3. Enter your email. Click Continue to Payment.
  4. Enter your payment information. If you selected that you wanted to receive the bimonthly print copy of the newsletter and your billing address is not the same as your mailing (shipping) address, uncheck the box beside “Ship to my billing address”. Click Pay Now.

REAL Women works with many family groups and tries to support them any way we can. We do not, however, have a specific list of such groups.

REAL Women of Canada is supported solely by membership fees, donations and bequests. We do not receive government funding.

The newsletter is written by a team of staff and volunteers. There is no single author.

Policy is determined through resolutions that are voted on at annual general meetings. Members are allowed to submit resolutions to be voted on at the annual general meeting 14 days prior to the meeting.

We greatly appreciate all donations.  No donation is too small or too large. Receipts are issued for donations of $100 and over.

Due to the political nature of our work, we do not have tax exempt status, therefore, donations are not tax-deductible.

REAL Women of Canada is an independent non-profit corporation that is not under the umbrella of any other organization. We are managed by a volunteer Board of Directors.

REAL Women of Canada was founded and incorporated in 1983 by a group of like-minded Canadian women from diverse walks of life, who believed that no one group of women could speak for all Canadian women. Women (as do men) do not all think alike. No one man or group of men can speak for all Canadian men, nor can one women’s group speak for all women. This founding group of women realized that Canada was in need of an alternative women’s movement to represent points of view different from the radical feminists whose extremist ideology is not acceptable to many women.

Donations are not accepted by phone. Online ad by mail the two ways to donate to REAL Women of Canada.

You can do this by going to the Become a Member/Renew page.  If you make a donation and forget to renew your membership, the first $30 automatically goes towards renewing your membership if your membership is in arrears.

The Annual General Meeting of REAL Women is only open to members and associate members who are up to date with their annual membership dues. It is not a public meeting.

As stated in its bylaws, membership is limited to individuals, families and groups who support and adhere to the aims and objectives of REAL Women of Canada and who pay the relevant annual membership fees.  A family or a group is entitled to a single vote on motions presented to the membership at the AGM.  Men are our husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons and as a women’s organization are welcomed warmly as associate members for the same fee, but without a vote due to the fact REAL Women is a women’s organization offsetting the feminist organizations.

REAL is an acronym for Realistic, Equal, Active, for Life.