For Immediate Release, Ottawa March 21, 2017
One of the most discriminatory groups operating today is the LGBT Community. It does not want any opinion to be heard except its own. With its sense of entitlement, it has become intolerant of any differing opinions. As a result it attempts to discredit those holding other opinions by hurling epithets at them such as “hateful”, “bigots” and “homophobic”. It’s time to move on from such name calling, and maturely accept that we live in a democracy, where freedom of opinion is a basic right.
The LGBT Community, nevertheless, continues on with its disgraceful practice. This is occurring at the current session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) being held in New York, March 13th to 24th. The LGBT is condemning the appointment to the US delegation, by the U.S. State Department, of two pro-life/family members, representing The Center for Family & Human Rights (C-Fam) and the Heritage Foundation. Gwen Landolt, Vice President of REAL Women of Canada commented: “Both organizations have solid records of defending the rights of women and children, while upholding fundamental human rights such as the freedom of religion and freedom of speech. They have never once called for violence or hate against any group.”
This does not matter to the LGBT Community. It continues to promote its own agenda by tarring the reputations of those whose values they find unacceptable.
If the LGBT Community wants to have creditability, it must be open to the democratic process of respectful debate and tolerance towards others. To do otherwise is to give rise to totalitarianism, which is the antithesis of democracy.
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