by C. Gwendolyn Landolt.  December 4, 2014.

When the Transgender Bill C-279 was introduced by homosexual activist NDP MP, Randall Garrison, in the House of Commons on September 21, 2011, he stated that the definition of gender identity in his bill, taken directly from the controversial Yogyakarta Principles, was a part of international law since the UN had adopted the Yogyakarta Principles.  This was a false statement.  Not one single member of the international community has ever accepted the Yogyakarta Principles.  This is due to the fact that the Yogyakarta Principles, if implemented, would interfere with religious rights and freedom of expression by imposing unrestricted homosexuality, transgenderism and other questionable sexual behaviour on religious faiths as well as the rest of society.

Consequently, the Yogyakarta Principles have not been accepted by the United Nations as it has been repeatedly rejected by the UN General Assembly, the UN Human Rights Council and other UN bodies

Even though not one single member of the international community has accepted the Yogyakarta Principles, this hasn’t stopped the promoters of the Yogyakarta Principles from continuing efforts to have it approved.  For example, a member from Belgium, along with 13 other co-sponsoring individuals from European nations last year proposed a resolution to pressure the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to accept the Yogyakarta Principles.  The OSCE is the world’s largest regional security organization, formed during the cold war.  It includes members of 57 countries from Europe, Central Asia and North America.  The proposed resolution falsely claimed that “many parliaments and countries have adopted the Yogyakarta Principles”.

No OSCE member spoke in support of the resolution, and it was soundly rejected.

The fact that the extremist Yogyakarta Principles are absolutely unacceptable to every nation, has not deterred Mr. Garrison from repeating his lie, that the Yogyakarta Principles, from which he took the definition of “gender identity” in his Bill C-279, had been accepted under international law.  He repeated this assertion, again, at the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights December 6, 2012, and he again made this false comment when he appeared before the Senate Committee when it was reviewing the bill on June 3, 2013.  At that time he claimed that this bill would help Canada meet its “international obligations”.  He did so with full knowledge that his statement was untrue, as REAL Women of Canada had advised and verified with the members in both the House of Commons and Senate that the Yogyakarta Principles had never been accepted internationally.

What are the Yogyakarta Principles?

A group of activists on homosexual issues met in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 6th to the 9th of November 2006 in order to attempt to make sexual orientation and gender identity an international human right.  Their recommendations became known as the “Yogyakarta Principles”, which was intended to influence and change the international judicial and legal
standards on homosexuality.  They are to be “revised” at regular intervals since the Yogyakarta Principles are “open and evolving” according to the self-described “expert” activists who drafted the document.

The principal author of these “Yogyakarta Principles” was homosexual activist, Michael O’Flaherty, from Ireland, with support from John Fisher from Canada, who was a chief advocate for same-sex marriage in Canada when the legislation was going through Parliament.  He was also head of the Canadian homosexual organization EGALE.

The reason that the Yogyakarta Principles have not been accepted is due to the fact they are extremely controversial, giving special rights and privileges to individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity.  These proposed rights under the Yogyakarta Principles include:

·    same-sex marriage,
·    adoption of children by same-sex couples, illegal in many countries,
·    repealing all criminal and legal provisions that prohibit all sexual activity among same-sex individuals,
·    requiring special funding for homosexual groups and individuals and providing special programs for them,
·    requiring governments to establish a right to change one’s gender at society’s cost,
·    seeking to prohibit medical or psychological therapy for sexual disorders,
·    requiring information opposed to homosexuality be prohibited, but providing for the exercise of freedom of opinion and expression by homosexuals/lesbians,
·    requiring that law enforcement authorities provide training and awareness programs on behalf of homosexuality, and
·    requiring that all religious organizations conform to the Yogyakarta Principles.

Violations of the Yogyakarta Principles were to be addressed by way of “restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction . . . and/or any other means as appropriate”, and financial aid must be provided to those who are unable to afford the cost of securing such redress.

Although the Yogyakarta Principles were raised at the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on October 2 and 9, 2014, the actual provisions of the document and their wide implications were not discussed.

To accept the “Yogyakarta Principles” would be to dramatically alter society.  If Canada were to accept the definition of gender identity included in the Yogyakarta Principles, we would be improperly acknowledging the credibility of this document, and Canada would be the first nation in the world to do so.

Source:  REAL Women of Canada