REALity April, 2018

Commonwealth Rejects Homosexuality

Homosexual activists attempted unsuccessfully to place homosexual rights on the agenda at the Commonwealth Summit to be held in London, England in April 2018.

Homosexuality is rejected by 36 of the 53 countries forming the Commonwealth. The latter operates by consensus, and many developing countries in the Commonwealth regard advocacy for homosexuality as an intrusion by developed nations into the internal affairs of their countries, since homosexual rights are contrary to their culture and faith.

Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau and the UK Prime Minister Theresa May, however, are working together at the Commonwealth, to make homosexual rights a priority issue at these meetings. However, the clash over the issue which will inevitably occur if homosexual rights were raised at the April Summit, would likely mar the last Commonwealth meeting at which the 91 year old Queen will likely attend. The Queen is devoted to the Commonwealth, and the organizers of the forthcoming Summit did not want the Queen to witness the disarray at a meeting should this issue be placed on the agenda.

The next Commonwealth Summit is to be held in Malaysia in 2020. That country soundly rejects homosexuality and it is highly unlikely that the issue will be on the agenda then.

These obstacles have not stopped the homosexual advocates from attending the April Summit, however. They plan to attend every forum, and will be lobbying countries there to accept their agenda.

It is unlikely that there will be any changes in the position on homosexual rights either at the April Summit or any future Summit, because developing nations are refusing to be pushed around by the Western nations in the Commonwealth association.