WHEREAS the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) was established in 1968 to regulate broadcasting in Canada, and

WHEREAS at the time the CRTC was established there were relatively few broadcast stations due to limitations in their range and the nature of analog technologies, and

 WHEREAS Canadians now enjoy a large and growing array of choices for news, education and entertainment brought about by the advent of new technologies by way of small computers and digital transmission that has enabled an infrastructure of satellite, cable, internet and cell phone facilities for the re-transmission of stored media and broadcast signals, and

 WHEREAS, the enforcement of Canadian content in broadcasting was one of the major objectives of the CRTC under its enabling legislation, and

WHEREAS Canadian content does not refer to the protection of the Canadian culture, but refers to the protection of the Canada broadcast industry from competition in order to provide it with economic advantages, and

WHEREAS the explosion of new access and dissemination services that supplement and bypass the traditional broadcast and recorded media industries now provide a high level of competition that precludes the effective protection of any sector of the broadcast media, and

WHEREAS the purposes for which the CRTC was established have become ineffective, outdated, and unnecessary

BE IT RESOLVED that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission be abolished.