WHEREAS S.3(d)(i) of the Broadcasting Act provides that Canadian programming must be varied and comprehensive so as to provide a balance of information and;
WHEREAS S.3(d)(ii) of the Broadcasting Act provides that Canadian broadcasting must reflect a wide range of programming to reflect Canadian attitudes, opinions and ideas and;
WHEREAS S.3(d)(iv) of the Broadcasting Act provides that Canadian broadcasting must provide a reasonable opportunity for the public to be exposed to the expression of differing views on matters of public concern and;
WHEREAS the CBC has failed to provide balanced programming to reflect a wide range of Canadians’ attitudes and opinions and has failed to provide a reasonable opportunity for the public to be exposed to differing views on matters of public concern, contrary to the provisions of the Canadian Broadcasting Act, and;
WHEREAS the CBC has failed to be a source of unity in Canada and instead has become a divisive element since its programming includes mainly left-of-centre political, financial and social views and provides little balancing information, and;
WHEREAS the CBC is funded by the Canadian taxpayer, but, according to an April 2002 report Standing Senate Committee on Transportation and Communications, only 5% of the viewing public is typically tuned into the CBC at any one time, and;
WHEREAS there are over 500 channels available today and audiences for specialty cannels are more in demand than conventional television channels;
BE IT RESOLVED that as the CBC no longer plays a useful and positive role in broadcasting in Canada, it therefore, should be disbanded.