Instead of leaving the prosecution of hate crimes to the justice system – crown prosecutors and judges in real courts – Justin Trudeau is determined to regulate the internet which he claims is necessary to protect Canadians from hate crimes and misinformation.

The question arising is what is meant by “hate” and “misinformation?”  Is it information that is politically detrimental to Trudeau and his ideological agenda?  In effect, will this proposed legislation to be used to stamp out political dissent?

Bill C -11 gives the Canadian Radio – Television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) responsibility to monitor and regulate the content of the internet including streaming platforms such as Netflix, YouTube, TikTok, Amazon Prime, Apple Music, etc.   It has responsibility to regulate:

  • Hate speech (which includes personal comments made on the Internet)
  • Canadian content
  • Provisions of emphasis and inclusion of LGBTQ + communities, Indigenous and other minority groups in programming

In effect, the CRTC under Bill C-11 will monitor and regulate much of the content posted on major social media sites.  This will deeply impact the content generated and uploaded by religious, political and charitable, non-profit organizations.  The bill also will allow the CRTC to intrude on the abilities and creativity of streaming platforms, thereby limiting the quantity and quality of their programming.

The CRTC already regulates over 2000 radio and television outlets.  Its members are appointed at the discretion of the government.

It is a concern, therefore, that these appointed bureaucrats on the CRTC have been given such enormous power and influence over the internet.  This bill is understandingly controversial.  As a result, it has received much media and public comment objecting to it.  C-11 has been revised and amended, resulting in the bill changing several times before it finally passed in the House of Commons on June 21st 2022.  Since then the bill has been under review by the Senate Committee on Transport and Communications.

Trudeau confident that Bill C-11 will be passed

Trudeau is assured that this controversial legislation will eventually be passed because of the NDP leader Jagmeet Singh’s agreement with the Liberals to support Liberal legislation until the 2025 federal election.

As a result, Canadians will continue to endure this assault on democracy, which is the fact we are being ruled by political parties that gained only minority support in the last election.

Please write to members of the Senate, requesting that this bill be rejected.

You can contact all senators using the toll free number 1-800-267-7362.

To find the list of Senators, please go to