December 14 2016
Please sign a letter to the 194 UN Member States of the United Nations General Assembly urging the postponement of the mandate outlined in the Human Rights Council (HRC) resolution 32/2 to impose homosexuality around the globe.
The LGBT community has been attempting by any means to have its agenda incorporated in UN policies and documents.
Last June, by a close vote of the 47 members of HRC in Geneva, 23 members only of that Council voted to appoint a UN so-called “independent” expert on LGBT issues. Vitit Muntarbhorn, a well-known radical human rights advocate, was appointed to this position in September 2016. His role was supposed to be to address “violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity”. Everyone knew that Mr. Muntarbhorn was never going to limit his mandate to violence and discrimination. It was no surprise, therefore, that Mr. Muntarbhorn announced that he will be investigating LGBT rights in all countries in regard to same-sex marriage, sex education of children, as well as overturning laws that offer therapeutic help for individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction, and promoting transgender behaviour as a right etc.
Mr. Muntarbhorn stated that he will push the LGBT agenda in all countries “under the sun and under the moon” even though his agenda may be contrary to the culture and religion of many nations.
The HRC have no authority under the UN Charter to change international law. They have no right to exercise the activities proposed by Mr. Muntarbhorn.
The General Assembly of the UN does have such authority as well as responsibility toward the Human Rights Council and other UN agencies. The General Assembly, comprising 194 member states, will be reviewing Mr. Muntarbhorn’s mandate, as well as the attempt by the HRC to override the General Assembly’s responsibilities.
The General Assembly vote on this will take place early next week. In view of the seriousness of this matter please join the members of REAL Women of Canada and Family Watch International as we write to the 194 UN Member States of the United Nations General Assembly urging the postponement of this attempt by the Human Rights Council to mandate homosexuality internationally.
Click here to sign the letter.
Related articles:
New UN Czar for Homosexual and Transgender Rights Taunts General Assembly , C-Fam December 8 2016